Churchfields Surgery
This is the current (2010) location of Churchfields Surgery in Bromsgrove, this GP Practice, along with St. John's Surgery will soon be moving into the new Bromsgrove Medical Centre around the corner.
Image: © peter Dodman
Taken: 21 Jul 2010
0.07 miles
Northern walk, Bromsgrove Cemetery
Image: © Jeff Gogarty
Taken: 12 Feb 2019
0.11 miles
Giant Redwood tree
Giant Redwood tree in Bromsgrove cemetery, the tree was planted in 1858 when the cemetery opened.
Image: © Philip Halling
Taken: 26 Apr 2018
0.13 miles
Bromsgrove Cemetery
Some floral tributes alongside one of the pathways round the cemetery.
The haziness in the distance is caused by atmospheric pollution.
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 3 Apr 2014
0.14 miles
Construction of new care home, Recreation Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs
Construction of this new 81 bed four storey care home for Care UK commenced in the Autumn of 2016. The contractors Stepnell anticipate its completion in Spring 2018. The cost of £6.7 million includes the provision of a cinema, café and hairdressing salon. The building will be configured into a series of individual suites, each having a dedicated lounge/dining room to help facilitate the creation of close knit communities. The home will provide full time residential, nursing and specialist dementia care for older people.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 8 Apr 2017
0.14 miles
Memorial angels on gravestones in Bromsgrove cemetery.
Image: © Philip Halling
Taken: 26 Apr 2018
0.14 miles
Asda car park by Market Street, Bromsgrove
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 30 May 2020
0.16 miles
New Parkside Health Centre - Bromsgrove
Situated off Roman Road A448.
Image: © Roy Hughes
Taken: 23 May 2011
0.16 miles
Car park by Market Street, Bromsgrove
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 30 May 2020
0.17 miles
The John Adams Memorial Cross
The memorial cross in the centre of Bromsgrove Cemetery.
In the background is the spire of St. John's church, seen through a haze of atmospheric pollution.
The cross was erected in 1858 as a tribute to John Adams, the largest employer in the town. It was built originally from four differing coloured stones in a strong high-Victorian style designed by William Prosser, who was then working on the restoration of Bromsgrove church.
The steps are red Corsehill sandstone, the column is grey Forest of Dene ironstone, and the base and superstructure are base bed Bath stone.
The cross was taken down for repair in 2007, and rebuilt in 2013. The new parts of the memorial will gradually loose their strong colour and fade in to match the old stone.
John Adams was a great-great-uncle of A.E.Houseman, the Bromsgrove-born poet.
(Text from a notice board by the entrance to the cemetery)
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 3 Apr 2014
0.17 miles