Wheatley tunnel air shaft
The photograph on this page of Wheatley tunnel air shaft by philld as part of the Geograph project.
The Geograph project started in 2005 with the aim of publishing, organising and preserving representative images for every square kilometre of Great Britain, Ireland and the Isle of Man.
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Image: © philld Taken: 28 May 2010
At first glance this might look something out of M.C. Escher's portfolio! This is actually an air shaft in the roof of Wheatley tunnel looking up to the world above. Abandoned tunnels usually had the top of the shaft demolished; the shafts were then capped off to stop anyone falling down them. The decking in Wheatley appears to have deteriorated badly, a large hole lets in enough daylight to create this amazing blue glow. A square brick lining has been built around this shaft due to its dangerous nature. The top of this shaft is situated on Cousin Lane and can be seen here http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Halifax+cousin+lane+&sll=51.479726,-0.292339&sspn=0.010905,0.027595&ie=UT8&hq=&hnear=Cousin+Ln,+Halifax,+West+Yorkshire+HEX2,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.743145,-1.890094&spn=0.00029,0.002747&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=53.743088,-1.890433&panoid=TV63GMT9g&cbp=12,45.5,,0,3.42 The 819 yard Wheatley tunnel is on the closed Bloomfield to St Paul's line. The Halifax High Level Railway was opened in 1890. The last train along this branch line was in 1960. More information about this railway line can be found here http://www.lostrailwayswestyorkshire.co.uk/Holmfield%20St%20Pauls.htm