St. Peters Square, MANCHESTER, M2 3EY
On this page you will find the Food Hygiene Ratings for food businesses near to St. Peters Square, M2 3EY.
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, this scheme is called the Food Hygiene Ratings System (FHRS) and in Scotland the Food Hygiene Information System (FHIS).
Your local environmental health or food safety team will rate each food business in order to assess:
- handling of food
- food storage conditions
- how food is prepared
- cleanliness of the the facilities
- how food safety is managed
However, assessment does not provide any information on the quality of the food provided, customer service, culinary skill, presentation or comfort.
More details regarding the scheme ratings can be found at the bottom of this page.
The data are updated daily but not all local authorities provide daily updates.
Establishment Map near to St. Peters Square, MANCHESTER, M2 3EY
- The higher the marker number, the further away the establishment is from the centre of the postcode.
- Clicking on the map will re-center to the selected point.
Establishment Listing (30 Establishments) near to St. Peters Square, MANCHESTER, M2 3EY
100 Barbirolli Square
M2 3BD
35b Whitworth Street West
M1 5NG
Other catering premises
35b Whitworth Street West
M1 5NG
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Oxford Street
M1 5AN
Takeaway/sandwich shop
1 Oxford Street
M1 5AN
54-56 Whitworth Street West
M1 5WW
56 Peter Street
M2 3NQ
58 Peter Street
M2 3NQ
Oxford Road Station Approach
M1 6FU
8 Albion Street
M1 5NZ
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Notes
The ratings seek to show how hygienic a food business was at the time of the inspection and covers areas such as how the food is handled, prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored.
It also covers the physical condition of the business, for instance, cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventiliation and pest control and how the establishment manages ways of keeping food safe, training, business processes and overall systems to ensure good hygiene is maintained.
The individual ratings can be summarised as follows:
0 Urgent improvement necessary1 Major improvement necessary
2 Improvement necessary
3 Generally satisfactory
4 Good
5 Very Good
There are exemptions for:
- Businesses that are a low risk to public health such as newsagents, pharamacies or visitor centers selling pre-wrapped non-refrigerated goods.
- Child minders and businesses that offer caring services at home.
Inspection Frequency
Premises are not reviewed annually. Instead, businesses that pose a higher risk are inspected more often than those that present a lower risk.
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