Cumbria Constabulary - Workington Central Neighbourhood
Recorded Stop and Search Events
Neighbourhood Summary
Age Range
Object Of Search
Type Of Search
Recorded Stop and Search Event Details
(31 Recorded Events)
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Neighbourhoods are compared only within the same Police Force.
Different forces have different budgets and priorities and even within the same force area caution should be excercised when comparing different neighbourhoods as again, different priorities and resources are deployed to different types of area such as inner city and rural.
Where neighbourhoods can be compared is against themselves, month by month to determine if crime is increasing or decreasing and if so, which types of crime are being reported.
Similar adjoining neighbourhoods can be compared if they are of a similar make-up.
Workington Central Neighbourhood
Allerdale Police recently conducted a community survey for the Workington area and surrounding villages and wish to thank those who took the time to complete this.
One of the main issues raised was youth related anti-social behaviour in the Seaton area. Please be reassured that your local officers are aware of this issue and have been proactively patrolling the area over the last couple of weeks and will continue to do so. A number of youths have already been identified as a result.
Our local officers will continue to address these issues over the coming weeks, conducting hi visibility patrols in the specific areas, engaging with the local community and taking steps to identify any person contributing to this issue.
Please continue to report any incidents of crime or anti-social behaviour.
You can report online at
Our online live chat function is a new service giving you an alternative way to communicate with a Police officer in real time. For more information, please visit
If a crime is in progress always call 999.
You can also phone 101.
Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Neighbourhood Website: