Middlesbrough (TS21) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Middlesbrough postal area and TS21 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Middlesbrough (TS21) District - 530 Active Postcodes

Street Name
TS21 1AA
Durham Lane
TS21 1AB
Darlington Road
TS21 1AD
Darlington Road
TS21 1AE
Durham Lane
TS21 1AF
Stillington Industrial Estate
TS21 1AG
TS21 1AH
Darlington Road
TS21 1AJ
Coatham Stob
TS21 1AN
High Farm Close
TS21 1AR
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1AT
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1AU
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1AW
Juniper Grove
TS21 1AX
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1AY
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1AZ
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1BA
Yarm Back Lane
TS21 1BB
Darlington Back Lane
TS21 1BD
Redmarshall Road
TS21 1BE
Darlington Back Lane
TS21 1BF
Willow Bridge Close
TS21 1BG
Darlington Back Lane
TS21 1BH
TS21 1BJ
TS21 1BL
TS21 1BN
TS21 1BQ
TS21 1BS
Sandy Leas Lane
TS21 1BT
Sandy Leas Lane
TS21 1BU
Darlington Road
TS21 1BW
TS21 1BX
TS21 1BY
Grass Croft
TS21 1BZ
Castlereagh Close
TS21 1DA
Church View
TS21 1DB
TS21 1DD
TS21 1DE
TS21 1DF
TS21 1DG
Farfields Close
TS21 1DH
TS21 1DJ
Woodland Way
TS21 1DL
The Green
TS21 1DN
The Stray
TS21 1DP
Castlereagh Close
TS21 1DQ
Mill Lane
TS21 1DR
TS21 1DS
Lilac Close
TS21 1DT
Thorpe Road
TS21 1DU
Orchard Close
TS21 1DW
The Close
TS21 1DX
Carlton Village
TS21 1DY
TS21 1DZ
West Garth
TS21 1EA
Carlton Village
TS21 1EB
Letch Lane
TS21 1ED
Letch Lane
TS21 1EE
Letch Lane
TS21 1EG
Letch Lane
TS21 1EH
The Crescent
TS21 1EJ
Green Leas
TS21 1EL
Drovers Lane
TS21 1EN
Whitton Road
TS21 1EP
Church Lane
TS21 1EQ
Garth Close
TS21 1ER
Drovers Lane
TS21 1ES
TS21 1ET
TS21 1EU
TS21 1EW
Redmarshall Road
TS21 1EX
Redmarshall Road
TS21 1EY
TS21 1EZ
High Street
TS21 1FA
Darlington Back Lane
TS21 1FB
Ferguson Way
TS21 1FD
Ironmasters Way
TS21 1FE
Kirk Hill
TS21 1FF
Cleveland Drive
TS21 1FG
Roseberry Gardens
TS21 1FH
Drovers Lane
TS21 1FJ
Bilsdale View
TS21 1FL
Greenfield View
TS21 1FN
Victory Gardens
TS21 1FP
Harvest Grove
TS21 1FQ
Brook Drive
TS21 1FR
Elstob Lane
TS21 1FS
Bassenthwaite Gardens
TS21 1FT
TS21 1FU
Ironmasters Way
TS21 1FX
Dent Road
TS21 1FY
Skipton Close
TS21 1GH
Widdale Road
TS21 1GJ
Worton Crescent
TS21 1GL
Manor Farm Court
TS21 1GU
Thoralby Close
TS21 1HA
High Street
TS21 1HB
Church View
TS21 1HD
Cobby Castle Lane
TS21 1HE
The Green
TS21 1HF
The Green
TS21 1HG
TS21 1HH
TS21 1HJ
TS21 1HL
TS21 1HN
TS21 1HP
TS21 1HQ
TS21 1HR
Windermere Avenue
TS21 1HS
Derwent Close
TS21 1HT
Coniston Crescent
TS21 1HU
Rydal Way
TS21 1HW
TS21 1HX
Town Farm Close
TS21 1HY
TS21 1JD
Morrison Street
TS21 1JE
Lowson Street
TS21 1JF
Park Crescent
TS21 1JG
Manor Drive
TS21 1JH
Messines Lane
TS21 1JJ
Whitton Grove
TS21 1JL
Mount Pleasant
TS21 1JN
South Street
TS21 1JP
West Street
TS21 1JQ
The Crofts
TS21 1JR
Kirk Street
TS21 1JS
Redmarshall Street
TS21 1JU
West Street
TS21 1JX
South Avenue
TS21 1JY
West Street
TS21 1LB
Ironmasters Way
TS21 1LD
TS21 1LE
Ironmasters Way
TS21 1LF
TS21 1LG
Whitton Lane
TS21 1LH
Millbank Terrace
TS21 1LJ
TS21 1LL
TS21 1LN
TS21 1LP
Mount Pleasant Close
TS21 1LQ
TS21 1LR
Mount Pleasant Walk
TS21 1LS
Mount Pleasant Grove
TS21 1LT
Manor Walk
TS21 1LU
Cobb Lane
TS21 1LW
TS21 1LX
TS21 1LY
TS21 1LZ
TS21 1NA
TS21 1NB
Glebe Road
TS21 1ND
TS21 1NE
TS21 1NF
TS21 1NG
TS21 1NH
TS21 1NJ
TS21 1NL
TS21 1NN
Bellsmoor Close
TS21 1NP
Anesty Court
TS21 1NQ
TS21 1NR
The Village Green
TS21 1NS
TS21 1NT
St. Johns Park
TS21 1NU
Jasper Grove
TS21 1NW
Forest Park
TS21 1NX
Weare Grove
TS21 1NY
Honey Pot Close
TS21 1PA
The Yew Walk
TS21 1PB
Vane Court
TS21 1PD
The Willow Chase
TS21 1PE
Darlington Road
TS21 1PH
Rectory Lane
TS21 1PJ
White House Croft
TS21 1PL
Burn Wood Court
TS21 1PN
Battersby Green
TS21 1PP
Alonby Court
TS21 1PQ
TS21 1PR
Coatham Lane
TS21 1PU
Eastfield Gardens
TS21 1PW
Hall Close
TS21 1PX
Baliol Croft
TS21 1PY
Letch Lane
TS21 1PZ
St. Peters Wynd
TS21 1QA
Ash Tree Green
TS21 1QB
Chapel Gardens
TS21 1QD
Meadow Walk
TS21 1QE
Poplars Lane
TS21 1XZ
TS21 2AA
South View
TS21 2AB
The Square
TS21 2AD
The Square
TS21 2AE
Rectory Row
TS21 2AF
Rectory Row
TS21 2AG
Stockton Road
TS21 2AH
Cross Street
TS21 2AJ
Front Street
TS21 2AL
Hardwick Road
TS21 2AN
Hall Lea
TS21 2AP
North Park Road
TS21 2AQ
Front Street
TS21 2AR
Crispin Court
TS21 2AS
Caden Court
TS21 2AT
Ruddick Mews
TS21 2AU
High Street
TS21 2AW
Boyne Court
TS21 2AY
Church View
TS21 2AZ
North End
TS21 2BA
West Park Lane
TS21 2BB
TS21 2BD
TS21 2BE
West Park Garth
TS21 2BF
Saddler Drive
TS21 2BG
Huntsman Close
TS21 2BH
Town Farm Court
TS21 2BJ
Rectory Row
TS21 2BL
Rectory Row
TS21 2BN
The Square
TS21 2BP
Lorimer Close
TS21 2BQ
Cartwright Close
TS21 2BS
West End
TS21 2BT
West End
TS21 2BU
Park View
TS21 2BW
West End
TS21 2BX
West Park Lane
TS21 2BY
Station Road
TS21 2BZ
Station Road
TS21 2DA
Station Road
TS21 2DE
Lambton Crescent
TS21 2DF
Spring Lane
TS21 2DG
Spring Lane
TS21 2DH
The Meadows
TS21 2DJ
The Meadows
TS21 2DL
The Meadows
TS21 2DN
TS21 2DP
The Meadows
TS21 2DQ
TS21 2DR
The Leas
TS21 2DS
The Leas
TS21 2DT
TS21 2DU
TS21 2DW
The Meadows
TS21 2DX
Eden Drive
TS21 2DY
Wykes Close
TS21 2EA
Naylor Road
TS21 2EB
Thurlow Road
TS21 2ED
Swyfte Close
TS21 2EE
The Willows
TS21 2EF
Lile Gardens
TS21 2EG
Kerr Crescent
TS21 2EH
TS21 2EJ
TS21 2EL
TS21 2EN
TS21 2EP
TS21 2EQ
TS21 2ES
TS21 2ET
TS21 2EW
TS21 2EX
TS21 2EY
TS21 2EZ
Harpington View
TS21 2GA
Burton Mews
TS21 2HA
TS21 2HB
TS21 2HD
Street Name
TS21 2HE
TS21 2HF
TS21 2HG
TS21 2HL
Racecourse Road
TS21 2HN
TS21 2HQ
TS21 2HR
TS21 2HS
Spring Lane
TS21 2HT
Racecourse Road
TS21 2HU
TS21 2HW
TS21 2HX
TS21 2HY
TS21 2HZ
Wallington Drive
TS21 2JA
Belsay Court
TS21 2JB
Matfen Court
TS21 2JD
Milbourne Court
TS21 2JE
Mitford Court
TS21 2JF
Milliner Court
TS21 2JG
Low Green
TS21 2JH
Hornby Avenue
TS21 2JJ
Queens Drive
TS21 2JL
Hadleigh Close
TS21 2JN
Melgrove Way
TS21 2JP
Farrier Close
TS21 2JQ
Saddler Drive
TS21 2JR
Claremont Grove
TS21 2JS
Dunelm Court
TS21 2JT
Ivy Row, Station Road
TS21 2JU
The Copse
TS21 2JW
Hasledon Grove
TS21 2JX
TS21 2JY
Cordwainer Grove
TS21 2WX
TS21 3AA
Beacon Avenue
TS21 3AB
Beacon Avenue
TS21 3AD
Beacon Avenue
TS21 3AE
Beacon Avenue
TS21 3AF
The Orchard
TS21 3AG
Beaumont Court
TS21 3AH
Beaumont Court
TS21 3AJ
Beaumont Court
TS21 3AL
Beaumont Court
TS21 3AN
The Orchard
TS21 3AP
Malton Terrace
TS21 3AQ
The Orchard
TS21 3AR
High Street
TS21 3AS
High Street
TS21 3AT
Front Street
TS21 3AU
East End
TS21 3AW
St. Edmunds Terrace
TS21 3AX
East Parade
TS21 3AY
East End
TS21 3AZ
The Lane
TS21 3BA
The Lane
TS21 3BB
The Lane
TS21 3BD
Boynston Grove
TS21 3BE
The Lane
TS21 3BF
Burdon Place, Salters Lane
TS21 3BG
The Garth
TS21 3BH
The Lane
TS21 3BJ
Orchard Close
TS21 3BL
Eastwell Close
TS21 3BN
Front Street
TS21 3BP
Cunningham Court
TS21 3BQ
The Lane
TS21 3BS
North End
TS21 3BT
North End
TS21 3BU
White House Drive
TS21 3BW
Front Street
TS21 3BX
White House Drive
TS21 3BY
Rowan Oval
TS21 3BZ
Hawthorn Road
TS21 3DA
Hawthorn Road
TS21 3DB
Chestnut Road
TS21 3DD
Hawthorn Road
TS21 3DE
Elm Avenue
TS21 3DF
Elm Avenue
TS21 3DG
Chestnut Road
TS21 3DH
Maple Grove
TS21 3DJ
Oak Tree Crescent
TS21 3DL
Beech Oval
TS21 3DN
Cherry Tree Drive
TS21 3DQ
Lilac Avenue
TS21 3DS
TS21 3DT
TS21 3DU
TS21 3DW
Durham Road
TS21 3DY
TS21 3DZ
TS21 3ED
TS21 3EE
Salters Lane
TS21 3EF
Pine Ridge Avenue
TS21 3EG
Conifer Avenue
TS21 3EH
Woodland Mews
TS21 3EL
TS21 3EN
TS21 3EP
TS21 3EQ
Rosedale Close
TS21 3ER
TS21 3ET
Lizard Lane
TS21 3EU
The Gables
TS21 3EW
TS21 3EX
Neville Drive
TS21 3FA
Russell Close, Salters Lane
TS21 3FB
Joseph Swan Road
TS21 3FD
Thomas Wright Way
TS21 3FE
John Walker Road
TS21 3FF
Thomas Wright Way
TS21 3FG
Thomas Wright Way
TS21 3FH
William Armstrong Way
TS21 3FJ
Astral Drive
TS21 3FL
Blakeston Lane
TS21 3FN
Hamminkeln Place
TS21 3FP
TS21 3FQ
Henley Drive
TS21 3HA
Stockton Road
TS21 3HD
Stockton Road
TS21 3HE
TS21 3HF
TS21 3HG
TS21 3HH
TS21 3HL
TS21 3HN
TS21 3HP
TS21 3HQ
TS21 3HR
TS21 3HS
TS21 3HT
St. Edmunds Green
TS21 3HW
TS21 3HX
Grindon Lane
TS21 3HY
TS21 3HZ
TS21 3JA
Whitton Lane
TS21 3JB
Thewles Lane
TS21 3JD
TS21 3JE
School Close
TS21 3JF
TS21 3JG
TS21 3JH
Wynyard Park
TS21 3JJ
TS21 3JL
Wynyard Road
TS21 3JN
Durham Road
TS21 3JP
Bank Terrace
TS21 3JQ
Wynyard Road
TS21 3JR
TS21 3JS
Mill Terrace
TS21 3JT
TS21 3JU
TS21 3JW
Bank Terrace
TS21 3JX
TS21 3JY
North Close
TS21 3JZ
TS21 3LA
Thorpe Road
TS21 3LB
Thorpe Road
TS21 3LD
Buckthorn Crescent
TS21 3LE
Blakeston Lane
TS21 3LF
Durham Road
TS21 3LH
St. James Close
TS21 3LJ
Vicars Close
TS21 3LL
Hamilton Court
TS21 3LN
Wynyard Court
TS21 3LQ
Blakeston Lane
TS21 3LR
Durham Road
TS21 3LS
Durham Road
TS21 3LT
Durham Road
TS21 3LU
Durham Road
TS21 3LX
Pipistrelle Court
TS21 3LY
Brock Close
TS21 3LZ
Fritillary Place
TS21 3NA
Thorpe Road
TS21 3NB
Skipper Grove
TS21 3NH
Winterton Avenue
TS21 3NJ
Winterton Avenue
TS21 3NL
St. Lukes Crescent
TS21 3NN
Wellgarth Mews
TS21 3NP
Turnpike Walk
TS21 3NR
Farfield Manor
TS21 3NS
Millclose Walk
TS21 3NT
Pasture Field
TS21 3NU
TS21 3NW
TS21 3NX
Meadow Hill
TS21 4AA
Front Street
TS21 4AB
Front Street
TS21 4AD
TS21 4AE
Sedgefield Terrace
TS21 4AF
Stobart Terrace
TS21 4AG
Salvin Terrace
TS21 4AH
West Terrace
TS21 4AJ
Fishburn Industrial Estate
TS21 4AL
South View
TS21 4AN
Front Street
TS21 4AP
Butterwick Road
TS21 4AQ
Fishburn Terrace
TS21 4AR
Butterwick Road
TS21 4AS
Salter's Lane
TS21 4AU
East View
TS21 4AW
Front Street
TS21 4AX
Park View
TS21 4AY
Clervaux Terrace
TS21 4AZ
TS21 4BA
TS21 4BB
TS21 4BD
TS21 4BE
TS21 4BG
TS21 4BH
Salters Drive
TS21 4BJ
The Manors, Butterwick Road
TS21 4BN
St. Bedes Avenue
TS21 4BP
St. Marks Road
TS21 4BQ
TS21 4BS
South View
TS21 4BT
Breckon Terrace
TS21 4BU
Alhambra Terrace
TS21 4BW
St. Catherine Close
TS21 4BX
Walden Terrace
TS21 4BY
Maughan Terrace
TS21 4BZ
Cleveland View
TS21 4DA
Prudhoe Avenue
TS21 4DB
Coronation Avenue
TS21 4DD
Eldon Terrace
TS21 4DE
Glebe Close
TS21 4DF
Salters Lane
TS21 4DG
Chaytor Terrace
TS21 4DH
Moorside Crescent
TS21 4DJ
Moorside Crescent
TS21 4DL
Moorside Crescent
TS21 4DN
Moorside Crescent
TS21 4DP
Millfield Road
TS21 4DQ
Regent Terrace
TS21 4DR
Millfield Road
TS21 4DS
Millfield Road West
TS21 4DT
Millfield Road
TS21 4DU
Butterwick Road
TS21 4DW
Millfield Road
TS21 4DX
Bridge View
TS21 4DY
Butterwick Road
TS21 4DZ
Poplar Crescent
TS21 4EA
Aged Miner's Homes
TS21 4EB
Butterwick Road
TS21 4ED
Butterwick Road
TS21 4EE
Butterwick Road
TS21 4EF
Oakdene Road
TS21 4EG
Oakdene Road
TS21 4EH
Stone Cross
TS21 4EJ
Sycamore Road
TS21 4EL
Springfield Road
TS21 4EN
Oakdene Road
TS21 4EP
Beechwood Road
TS21 4EQ
Oakdene Road
TS21 4ER
Beechwood Road
TS21 4ES
Heatherdene Road
TS21 4ET
Sycamore Road
TS21 4EU
Sycamore Road
TS21 4EW
Oakdene Road
TS21 4EX
Sycamore Road
TS21 4EY
Little Thornton
TS21 4EZ
Elderberry Mews
TS21 4FB
Diamond Close
TS21 4HA
Beveridge Close
TS21 4HB
Harbinson Close
TS21 4HD
Greenside Close
TS21 4HE
Hutton Close
TS21 4HF
Brockwell Close