Middlesbrough (TS15) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Middlesbrough postal area and TS15 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Middlesbrough (TS15) District - 454 Active Postcodes

Street Name
TS15 0AA
TS15 0AB
TS15 0AD
TS15 0AE
TS15 0AF
TS15 0AG
TS15 0AH
TS15 0AJ
TS15 0AL
TS15 0AN
Church Wood Drive
TS15 0AQ
Kay House Lane
TS15 0AR
TS15 0AS
TS15 0AT
TS15 0AU
TS15 0AY
TS15 0AZ
TS15 0BA
TS15 0BB
TS15 0BD
TS15 0BE
TS15 0BG
TS15 0BZ
The Old Orchard
TS15 0DA
North Side
TS15 0DB
East Side
TS15 0DD
South Side
TS15 0DE
Goldie Hill
TS15 0DF
South Side
TS15 0DG
North End
TS15 0DH
Elwick Terrace
TS15 0DJ
West End
TS15 0DL
Garbutts Lane
TS15 0DN
Garbutts Lane
TS15 0DP
TS15 0DQ
Greenbank Terrace
TS15 0DR
TS15 0DS
TS15 0DT
Garbutts Lane
TS15 0DU
Garbutts Lane
TS15 0DW
TS15 0DX
Campion Lane
TS15 0DY
Green Lane
TS15 0DZ
Northcliffe Grove
TS15 0EA
TS15 0EB
The Close
TS15 0EE
The Wickets
TS15 0EF
Sexhow Lane
TS15 0EG
Albion Terrace
TS15 0EH
Belbrough Close
TS15 0EJ
TS15 0EL
TS15 0EN
TS15 0EP
School Close
TS15 0EQ
Doctors Lane
TS15 0ER
TS15 0ES
The Wynd
TS15 0ET
Wynd Close
TS15 0EU
Hutton Bank
TS15 0EW
Poplar Avenue
TS15 0EX
TS15 0EY
TS15 0EZ
TS15 0FA
Paddocks End
TS15 0HA
TS15 0HB
TS15 0HD
The Grove
TS15 0HE
South View
TS15 0HJ
Willins Close
TS15 0HL
Langbaurgh Road
TS15 0HN
TS15 0HP
Belbrough Lane
TS15 0HR
Belbrough Lane
TS15 0HS
Eden Park Road
TS15 0HT
Eden Close
TS15 0HU
Linden Crescent
TS15 0HW
TS15 0HX
Linden Close
TS15 0HY
Belbrough Lane
TS15 0HZ
TS15 0JA
Belbrough Lane
TS15 0JB
TS15 0JD
TS15 0JE
TS15 0JF
TS15 0JG
Blue Barn Lane
TS15 0JH
Blue Barn Lane
TS15 0JJ
Stokesley Road
TS15 0JL
TS15 0JN
TS15 0JP
TS15 0JQ
TS15 0JR
TS15 0JS
Stokesley Road
TS15 0JT
Middleton Road
TS15 0JU
TS15 0JX
TS15 0JY
TS15 0JZ
Rudby Lea
TS15 0LA
TS15 0LB
Codlin Road
TS15 0LD
North Meadow
TS15 0LE
TS15 9AA
High Street
TS15 9AB
Swinburns Yard
TS15 9AD
Atlas Wynd
TS15 9AE
High Street
TS15 9AF
Mill Wynd
TS15 9AG
Alder Road
TS15 9AH
High Street
TS15 9AJ
TS15 9AL
Brewery Yard
TS15 9AN
Blenavon Court
TS15 9AP
High Street
TS15 9AQ
Central Street
TS15 9AR
TS15 9AS
Tom Browns Wynd
TS15 9AT
Silver Street
TS15 9AU
High Street
TS15 9AW
Carleton Terrace
TS15 9AX
Poplar Court
TS15 9AY
High Street
TS15 9AZ
Elms Way
TS15 9BA
Low Church Wynd
TS15 9BB
High Street
TS15 9BD
TS15 9BE
Yew Close
TS15 9BF
Bridgewater, Leven Bank
TS15 9BG
High Street
TS15 9BH
High Street
TS15 9BJ
Hornbeam Drive
TS15 9BL
Hauxwell's Yard
TS15 9BN
West Mews
TS15 9BP
TS15 9BQ
High Church Wynd
TS15 9BS
Bentley Wynd
TS15 9BT
West Street
TS15 9BU
West Street
TS15 9BW
High Street
TS15 9BX
The Old Market
TS15 9BY
Bridge Street
TS15 9BZ
Ash Drive
TS15 9DA
Hazel Way
TS15 9DB
Worsall Close
TS15 9DD
Worsall Road
TS15 9DE
Castle Dyke Wynd
TS15 9DF
Worsall Road
TS15 9DG
Worsall Road
TS15 9DH
Clapham Road
TS15 9DJ
Turton Road
TS15 9DL
Turton Road
TS15 9DN
Turton Road
TS15 9DP
Challoner Road
TS15 9DQ
Turton Road
TS15 9DR
Meynells Walk
TS15 9DS
Challoner Road
TS15 9DT
Conyers Close
TS15 9DU
Coronation Crescent
TS15 9DW
Skirlaw Road
TS15 9DX
Hird Road
TS15 9DY
Flounders Road
TS15 9DZ
Ramsey Crescent
TS15 9EA
Coronation Crescent
TS15 9EB
Worsall Road
TS15 9ED
Worsall Road
TS15 9EE
Ings Lane
TS15 9EF
Worsall Road
TS15 9EH
Green Lane
TS15 9EJ
TS15 9EL
Challoner Road
TS15 9EN
Old Rectory Gardens
TS15 9EP
Goose Pasture
TS15 9EQ
Green Lane
TS15 9ER
The Spital
TS15 9ES
Grammar School Lane
TS15 9ET
Green Lane
TS15 9EU
The Spital
TS15 9EW
The Pines
TS15 9EX
The Spital
TS15 9EY
Leven Road
TS15 9EZ
Hawthorn Grove
TS15 9FA
Britannia Avenue
TS15 9FB
Juniper Grove
TS15 9FD
Mallard Drive
TS15 9FE
Morley Carr Drive
TS15 9FF
Central Street
TS15 9FG
High Street
TS15 9FH
Allerton View
TS15 9FL
Wyecarr Drive
TS15 9FN
Larch Court
TS15 9FP
New Dales Close
TS15 9FQ
Mourie Wood Way
TS15 9FR
Hall Wood Close
TS15 9FS
Wiske Bank Court
TS15 9FT
Pit Wood Drive
TS15 9FU
Holly Pond Court
TS15 9FW
Gowsers Drive
TS15 9FX
Linden Crescent
TS15 9FY
Picton Close
TS15 9FZ
Jubilee Walk
TS15 9GA
Braunton Way
TS15 9GB
Sybilla Grove
TS15 9GE
Bittern Way
TS15 9GF
Tangmere Road
TS15 9GG
Galatea Road
TS15 9GH
Repton Road
TS15 9GJ
Swanage Close
TS15 9GL
Manston Road
TS15 9GN
TS15 9GP
TS15 9GT
TS15 9GW
TS15 9HA
The Grove
TS15 9HB
Leven Road
TS15 9HD
Thirsk Road
TS15 9HE
Thirsk Road
TS15 9HF
TS15 9HG
TS15 9HH
TS15 9HJ
TS15 9HL
TS15 9HN
TS15 9HP
The Larun Beat
TS15 9HQ
TS15 9HR
The Larun Beat
TS15 9HS
TS15 9HT
TS15 9HU
The Royd
Street Name
TS15 9HW
The Larun Beat
TS15 9HX
The Larun Beat
TS15 9HY
Middleton Court
TS15 9HZ
The Slayde
TS15 9JA
Limpton Gate
TS15 9JB
Falcon Walk
TS15 9JD
Jasmine Fields
TS15 9JE
Leven Road
TS15 9JF
Leven Road
TS15 9JG
Friarswood Close
TS15 9JH
Seamer Road
TS15 9JJ
Leven Bank Road
TS15 9JL
Leven Bank Road
TS15 9JN
Low Leven
TS15 9JP
TS15 9JQ
Valley Drive
TS15 9JR
Barwick Lane
TS15 9JS
Low Lane
TS15 9JT
Low Lane
TS15 9JU
TS15 9JW
TS15 9JX
TS15 9JY
TS15 9JZ
Fir Tree Close
TS15 9LA
TS15 9LB
TS15 9LD
Ivy Cottages
TS15 9LE
Manor Drive
TS15 9LF
Yarm Road
TS15 9LG
Manor Garth
TS15 9LH
Kirklevington Hall Drive
TS15 9LJ
Thirsk Road
TS15 9LL
Kirklevington Grange
TS15 9LN
TS15 9LP
Thirsk Road
TS15 9LQ
Pump Lane
TS15 9LR
Thirsk Road
TS15 9LS
TS15 9LT
Thirsk Road
TS15 9LU
Springfield Grove
TS15 9LW
Thirsk Road
TS15 9LX
Forest Lane
TS15 9LY
Forest Lane
TS15 9LZ
Penders Lane
TS15 9NA
Forest Lane
TS15 9NB
TS15 9ND
Forest Lane
TS15 9NE
Forest Lane
TS15 9NF
TS15 9NG
Forest Lane
TS15 9NH
Birch Close
TS15 9NJ
Grove Bank
TS15 9NL
Knowles Close
TS15 9NN
Hallmoor Close
TS15 9NP
Moor Close
TS15 9NQ
Ash Grove
TS15 9NR
St. Martins Way
TS15 9NS
Strathmore Drive
TS15 9NT
Deneside Close
TS15 9NU
Woodlands Drive
TS15 9NW
The Green
TS15 9NX
Lansdowne Road
TS15 9NY
Bridge Court
TS15 9NZ
Town End Close
TS15 9PA
Kirklevington Grange
TS15 9PB
TS15 9PD
TS15 9PE
Worsall Road
TS15 9PF
Worsall Road
TS15 9PG
TS15 9PH
TS15 9PJ
TS15 9PL
TS15 9PN
Ashtree Terrace
TS15 9PP
TS15 9PQ
TS15 9PR
TS15 9PS
TS15 9PT
TS15 9PU
TS15 9PW
TS15 9PX
TS15 9PY
TS15 9PZ
TS15 9QA
Tofts Close
TS15 9QB
Church Lane
TS15 9QE
Manor Close
TS15 9QF
Chaytor Lea
TS15 9QG
Riverside Mews
TS15 9QH
Sheepfoote Hill
TS15 9QJ
Sefton Way
TS15 9QL
Debruse Avenue
TS15 9QN
Fauconberg Way
TS15 9QP
TS15 9QQ
The Meadowings
TS15 9QR
The Meadowings
TS15 9QS
The Meadowings
TS15 9QT
TS15 9QW
Debruse Avenue
TS15 9QX
West End Gardens
TS15 9QY
The Old Market
TS15 9QZ
Fairfax Court
TS15 9RA
Levendale Close
TS15 9RB
Lingfield Road
TS15 9RD
Netherby Close
TS15 9RE
Staindale Close
TS15 9RF
Mount Leven Road
TS15 9RG
West Moor Close
TS15 9RH
TS15 9RJ
Mount Leven Road
TS15 9RL
Stevenson Close
TS15 9RN
Glaisdale Road
TS15 9RP
Glaisdale Road
TS15 9RQ
Foxton Close
TS15 9RR
Angrove Close
TS15 9RS
Rudby Close
TS15 9RT
Enterpen Close
TS15 9RU
Busby Way
TS15 9RW
Clockwood Gardens
TS15 9RX
Battersby Close
TS15 9RY
Goulton Close
TS15 9RZ
Potto Close
TS15 9SA
TS15 9SB
Braeworth Close
TS15 9SD
Spell Close
TS15 9SE
Valley Close
TS15 9SF
Danby Wynd
TS15 9SG
Manor House Mews, High Street
TS15 9SH
The Old Market
TS15 9SJ
St. Nicholas Gardens
TS15 9SL
Fowler Close
TS15 9SN
Earle Close
TS15 9SP
Urford Close
TS15 9SQ
West Street
TS15 9SR
Caterton Close
TS15 9SS
Hugill Close
TS15 9ST
Hemingford Gardens
TS15 9SU
Mortain Close
TS15 9SW
Playlin Close
TS15 9SX
Kelsterne Close
TS15 9SY
Westworth Close
TS15 9SZ
Oughton Close
TS15 9TA
Darcy Close
TS15 9TB
Atherton Way
TS15 9TD
Latimer Close
TS15 9TE
Merlay Close
TS15 9TF
Everingham Road
TS15 9TG
Beckwith Road
TS15 9TH
The Old Market
TS15 9TJ
Carew Close
TS15 9TL
Knaith Close
TS15 9TN
Davenport Road
TS15 9TP
Wetherall Avenue
TS15 9TQ
Coulson Close
TS15 9TR
Metcalfe Close
TS15 9TS
Hoope Close
TS15 9TT
Harker Close
TS15 9TU
Mayes Walk
TS15 9TW
Davenport Road
TS15 9TX
Penwick Close
TS15 9TY
Winter Close
TS15 9TZ
Griffiths Close
TS15 9UA
Hedley Close
TS15 9UB
Park View
TS15 9UD
Tindale Close
TS15 9UE
Nederdale Close
TS15 9UF
Atwater Close
TS15 9UG
Scugdale Close
TS15 9UH
Garsdale Close
TS15 9UJ
Dentdale Close
TS15 9UL
Eskdale Close
TS15 9UN
Ryedale Close
TS15 9UP
Howden Dike
TS15 9UQ
Kingsdale Close
TS15 9UR
Stonehouse Close
TS15 9US
The Old Market
TS15 9UT
Carpenter Close
TS15 9UU
Miller Close
TS15 9UW
Troutsdale Close
TS15 9UX
Bulmer Close
TS15 9UY
Nursery Gardens
TS15 9UZ
Wardell Close
TS15 9WA
TS15 9WE
Thirsk Road
TS15 9WF
Thirsk Road
TS15 9WG
Meadow Vale Close
TS15 9WH
Wainstones Court
TS15 9WJ
Leven Bank Road
TS15 9WL
Bentley Wynd
TS15 9XA
The Rigg
TS15 9XB
Spital Gate
TS15 9XD
Wycliffe Court
TS15 9XE
Canon Grove
TS15 9XF
Wharton Close
TS15 9XG
Winpenny Close
TS15 9XH
Harker Close
TS15 9XJ
Beechtree Court
TS15 9XL
Hedley Court
TS15 9XN
Healaugh Park
TS15 9XP
The Brookes
TS15 9XQ
Daltry Close
TS15 9XS
Hill Rise
TS15 9XW
Thornton Garth
TS15 9XX
TS15 9YE
Carr Lane
TS15 9YF
Hole Beck Drive
TS15 9YG
Faceby Grove
TS15 9YH
Fardean Way
TS15 9YJ
Urlay Mews
TS15 9YT
Hutton Lane
TS15 9YZ
Stell Way
TS15 9ZD
Leven Bank
TS15 9ZE
De Brus Close
TS15 9ZF
Garratt Road
TS15 9ZG
Orient Close
TS15 9ZH
Gresley Close
TS15 9ZJ
Kingston Way
TS15 9ZL
Mayflower Close
TS15 9ZN
Puffin Court
TS15 9ZP
Union Close
TS15 9ZQ
Cook Way
TS15 9ZR
TS15 9ZS
TS15 9ZT
Byers Close
TS15 9ZU
TS15 9ZW
TS15 9ZX