Stockport (SK22) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Stockport postal area and SK22 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Stockport (SK22) District - 384 Active Postcodes

Street Name
SK22 1AA
SK22 1AB
Sycamore Road
SK22 1AE
Quarry Road
SK22 1AF
Higher Noon Sun
SK22 1AG
Sycamore Road
SK22 1AH
Thornsett Trading Estate
SK22 1AJ
Garrison View
SK22 1AL
Garrison Road
SK22 1AN
Spring Vale
SK22 1AP
SK22 1AQ
Lower Noon Sun
SK22 1AR
Birch Vale Terrace
SK22 1AS
SK22 1AT
Aspenshaw Road
SK22 1AU
SK22 1AW
Sitch Lane
SK22 1AX
SK22 1AY
Briargrove Road
SK22 1AZ
SK22 1BA
High Hill Road
SK22 1BB
Batemill Road
SK22 1BJ
Lantern Pike View
SK22 1BL
SK22 1BN
Back Spinnerbottom
SK22 1BP
Station Road
SK22 1BR
Station Road
SK22 1BS
Moorland Road
SK22 1BT
New Mills Road
SK22 1BW
Crescent Row
SK22 1BX
New Mills Road
SK22 1BY
Oven Hill
SK22 1BZ
SK22 1DA
Hayfield Road
SK22 1DB
Off Ravens Leach
SK22 1DD
SK22 1DE
Ravens Leach
SK22 1DF
Hayfield Road
SK22 1DG
Off Hayfield Road
SK22 1DH
SK22 1DJ
Windy Knowle
SK22 1DL
Thornsett Lane
SK22 1DN
Thornsett Lane
SK22 1DP
Birch Hall Close
SK22 1DQ
Garrison Road
SK22 1DW
Birch Vale Industrial Estate, Station Road
SK22 1DX
SK22 1DY
SK22 1EA
SK22 1EB
SK22 1ED
SK22 1EF
Chapel Street
SK22 2AB
The Glade
SK22 2AD
The Ridgeways
SK22 2AT
Lyme View, Glossop Road
SK22 2EN
Mill Street
SK22 2EP
Market Street
SK22 2EQ
Bank Street
SK22 2ER
Walk Mill Road
SK22 2ES
Station Road
SK22 2ET
Wainhouse Brow
SK22 2EU
New Mills Road
SK22 2EW
Market Street
SK22 2EX
New Mills Road
SK22 2EY
Bank Cottages
SK22 2EZ
Bank Vale Road
SK22 2HB
Swallow House Lane
SK22 2HD
Swallow House Crescent
SK22 2HE
Lea Road
SK22 2HF
Swallow House Lane
SK22 2HG
Lucas Terrace
SK22 2HH
Pike Close
SK22 2HJ
Kinder Road
SK22 2HL
Cote Lane
SK22 2HN
Highfield Road
SK22 2HP
Shudehill Close
SK22 2HQ
Wood Gardens
SK22 2HR
Fairy Bank Crescent
SK22 2HS
Kinder Road
SK22 2HT
Vicarage Lane
SK22 2HW
North Road
SK22 2JD
Steeple End Fold
SK22 2JE
Church Street
SK22 2JF
Chapel Road
SK22 2JG
New Mills Road
SK22 2JH
Meadows Road
SK22 2JJ
Chapel Street
SK22 2JL
Highgate Road
SK22 2JN
Phoside View
SK22 2JP
Valley Road
SK22 2JQ
Ridge Top Lane
SK22 2JR
Highgate Road
SK22 2JS
Chapel Road
SK22 2JT
Ridge Top Lane
SK22 2JU
Oaks Avenue
SK22 2JW
Highgate Road
SK22 2JX
St. John Street
SK22 2JZ
Fishers Bridge
SK22 2LD
Spring Vale Road
SK22 2LE
Kinder Road
SK22 2LH
Bowden Bridge
SK22 2LJ
Kinder Road
SK22 2LL
Edale Road
SK22 2LN
Sett Bank
SK22 2LP
Valley Road
SK22 2LQ
SK22 2LR
Ellers Bank
SK22 2LS
Valley Road
SK22 2LT
Springfield Terrace, Valley Road
SK22 2ND
Shudehill, Market Street
SK22 2NE
Fairy Bank Road
SK22 2NF
Glossop Road
SK22 2NG
Glossop Road
SK22 2NH
Primrose Vale
SK22 2NJ
Slack Lane
SK22 2NL
Clough Lane
SK22 2NN
Park Hall Estate
SK22 2NP
Park Crescent
SK22 2NQ
Slack Lane
SK22 2NR
Glossop Road
SK22 2NS
Lane Head Road
SK22 2NW
Park Lane
SK22 2PA
Wood Lane
SK22 2PB
Barnsfold Court
SK22 2PD
Brookhouse Court
SK22 2PE
Basingwerke Court
SK22 2PG
Bluebell Close
SK22 2PH
Chendre Close
SK22 2PJ
Bowden Close
SK22 2PL
Houghton Close
SK22 3AA
Grove Street
SK22 3AH
Station Road
SK22 3AL
SK22 3AP
Lower Hague
SK22 3AR
Hague Bar
SK22 3AS
Waterside Road
SK22 3AT
Hague Bar
SK22 3AU
Hague Fold
SK22 3AX
Hague Fold
SK22 3AY
SK22 3AZ
Lower Cliffe, Strines
SK22 3BA
SK22 3BB
Back Union Road
SK22 3BG
St. Marys Road
SK22 3BL
Longlands Road
SK22 3BN
Rock Mill Lane
SK22 3BP
Hall Street
SK22 3BR
Hall Street
SK22 3BS
South View
SK22 3BT
SK22 3BU
Godward Road
SK22 3BW
St. Marys Road
SK22 3BX
Scaliot Close
SK22 3BY
Longlands Road
SK22 3BZ
Longlands Road
SK22 3DA
Longlands Drive
SK22 3DB
The Crescent
SK22 3DD
Alsfeld Way
SK22 3DE
Broadhey View
SK22 3DF
Hillside View
SK22 3DG
Greenfield Close
SK22 3DH
Sundown Close
SK22 3DJ
The Risings
SK22 3DL
Stoneyland Drive
SK22 3DN
Eaves Knoll Road
SK22 3DP
High Lea Road
SK22 3DQ
Knightwake Road
SK22 3DR
Well Street
SK22 3DS
Lea Street
SK22 3DT
High Lea Road
SK22 3DU
Larkhill Terrace
SK22 3DW
Knoll Street
SK22 3DX
Lark Hill
SK22 3DY
Brookbottom Road
SK22 3DZ
SK22 3EA
Hague Bar Road
SK22 3EB
Hague Bar Road
SK22 3ED
Combs Close
SK22 3EE
Lantern View
SK22 3EF
Leygate View
SK22 3EG
Albion Road
SK22 3EH
Old Smithy Road
SK22 3EJ
Back Union Road
SK22 3EL
Union Road
SK22 3EN
Union Road
SK22 3ES
Union Road
SK22 3EX
Albion Road
SK22 3EY
Albion Road
SK22 3EZ
Albion Road
SK22 3FG
Union Road
SK22 3GA
Heather Falls
SK22 3HA
Albion Road
SK22 3HE
Victoria Street
Street Name
SK22 3HF
Woodside Street
SK22 3HH
Hawthorn Bank
SK22 3HJ
Jodrell Street
SK22 3HL
Back Jodrell Street
SK22 3HN
Wood Street
SK22 3HP
Hurst Lea Road
SK22 3HQ
Acorn Terrace
SK22 3HS
Torr Vale Road
SK22 3HU
Wirksmoor Road
SK22 3HW
Wirksmoor Road
SK22 3HZ
West View
SK22 3JA
Mousley Bottom
SK22 3JB
Station Road
SK22 3JJ
Hibbert Street
SK22 3JL
Redmoor Lane
SK22 3JN
Chapel Street
SK22 3JP
Albion Road
SK22 3JQ
Chapel Street
SK22 3JR
Albion Road
SK22 3JS
Buxton Road
SK22 3JT
Buxton Road
SK22 3JW
Station Yard, Newtown
SK22 3JX
Woodbourne Road
SK22 3LL
Redmoor Lane
SK22 3LR
Goyt View
SK22 4AA
Market Street
SK22 4AE
Market Street
SK22 4AH
Meal Street
SK22 4AJ
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4AL
High Street
SK22 4AP
Cross Street
SK22 4AQ
Sett Close
SK22 4AS
Spring Bank
SK22 4AT
Spring Bank
SK22 4AU
Spring Bank
SK22 4AW
Church View
SK22 4AY
Meadow Street
SK22 4AZ
Spring Bank
SK22 4BA
Dyehouse Lane
SK22 4BB
St. James Square
SK22 4BD
Cresswell Street
SK22 4BE
Cresswell Avenue
SK22 4BF
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4BG
Off Spring Bank
SK22 4BH
Spring Bank
SK22 4BJ
Springbank Gardens
SK22 4BL
High Street
SK22 4BN
Salem Cottages
SK22 4BP
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4BQ
SK22 4BR
High Street
SK22 4BS
Torr Top Street
SK22 4BT
St. Albans Street
SK22 4BW
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4BY
Rock Street
SK22 4BZ
Oldham Square, Back Union Road
SK22 4DA
Lower Rock Street
SK22 4DB
Kinder View
SK22 4DE
Market Street
SK22 4DJ
Bridge Street
SK22 4DN
Bridge Street
SK22 4DP
Mellor Road
SK22 4DR
Stafford Street
SK22 4DS
Back Mellor Road
SK22 4DT
Parkland Avenue
SK22 4DU
SK22 4DW
Mellor Road
SK22 4DX
Mellor Road
SK22 4DY
Winhill Road
SK22 4DZ
Fernilee Close
SK22 4EA
Cowburn Drive
SK22 4EB
Peveril Avenue
SK22 4ED
Howden Road
SK22 4EE
Appletree Road
SK22 4EF
Whitle Fold
SK22 4EG
Whitle Road
SK22 4EH
Whitle Road
SK22 4EJ
Watford Road
SK22 4EL
White Road
SK22 4EN
Watford Lane
SK22 4EP
Watford Mount
SK22 4EQ
SK22 4ER
London Place
SK22 4ES
SK22 4ET
Park View Rise
SK22 4EU
Parkhill Close
SK22 4EW
Batemill Road
SK22 4FE
Bankside New Mills
SK22 4GA
Ollersett Drive
SK22 4GB
Ollersett Drive
SK22 4GD
Ollersett Drive
SK22 4GE
Ollersett Drive
SK22 4GF
Ollersett Drive
SK22 4HD
SK22 4HG
High Hill Road
SK22 4HH
Watburn Road
SK22 4HJ
Watford Bridge Road
SK22 4HL
Mill Pond Avenue
SK22 4HN
High Hill Road
SK22 4HP
Portland Road
SK22 4HQ
High Hill Road
SK22 4HR
Poplar Avenue
SK22 4HS
Diglands Close
SK22 4HT
Lime Avenue
SK22 4HU
Beech Avenue
SK22 4HW
Derby Road
SK22 4HX
Sycamore Close
SK22 4HY
Hayfield Road
SK22 4HZ
Chestnut Close
SK22 4JA
Ellerscroft, Hayfield Road
SK22 4JB
Hayfield Road
SK22 4JD
Diglands Avenue
SK22 4JE
Ollersett Lane
SK22 4JF
Low Leighton Road
SK22 4JG
Low Leighton Road
SK22 4JH
Pingot Road
SK22 4JJ
Hawk Road
SK22 4JQ
Falcon Close
SK22 4JT
St. Georges Road
SK22 4JU
St. Georges Road
SK22 4JX
St. Andrews Walk
SK22 4JY
St. Georges Road
SK22 4JZ
St. Georges Road
SK22 4LA
Peak Road
SK22 4LD
Peak Road
SK22 4LE
Ollersett Avenue
SK22 4LF
Ollersett Avenue
SK22 4LG
Ollersett Avenue
SK22 4LH
Beard Crescent
SK22 4LJ
Beard Crescent
SK22 4LL
Ollersett Avenue
SK22 4LN
Bowden Crescent
SK22 4LP
Highfield Terrace
SK22 4LQ
SK22 4LR
Low Leighton Road
SK22 4LS
Low Leighton Road
SK22 4LT
Laneside Road
SK22 4LU
Laneside Road
SK22 4LW
Cale Road
SK22 4LX
Laneside Road
SK22 4NA
Laneside Road
SK22 4NB
New Park Court
SK22 4NE
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4NG
Church Road
SK22 4NH
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4NJ
Church Road
SK22 4NL
Midland Terrace
SK22 4NN
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4NP
Church Lane
SK22 4NQ
Ensor Way
SK22 4NR
Church Lane
SK22 4NS
Arden Street
SK22 4NT
Torrs Valley
SK22 4NU
Church Road
SK22 4NW
Dale Road
SK22 4NX
Jubilee Street
SK22 4NY
Yates Road
SK22 4NZ
Park Road
SK22 4PA
Jubilee Street
SK22 4PB
Goyt Road
SK22 4PD
New Street
SK22 4PE
New Street
SK22 4PF
Church Road
SK22 4PG
Low Leighton Road
SK22 4PH
Arden Estate
SK22 4PJ
Low Leighton Road
SK22 4PL
Jubilee Gardens
SK22 4PN
Marsh Lane
SK22 4PP
Marsh Lane
SK22 4PQ
Quarry Road
SK22 4PR
Carr View, Marsh Lane
SK22 4PS
SK22 4PT
Bakehurst Close
SK22 4PU
Hyde Bank Road
SK22 4PW
SK22 4PX
Griffin Close
SK22 4QA
Eaves Knoll
SK22 4QB
Eaves Knoll Road
SK22 4QD
Eaves Knoll
SK22 4QE
Shaw Marsh
SK22 4QF
Castle Edge Road
SK22 4QG
Mellor Road
SK22 4QH
Hayfield Road
SK22 4QJ
SK22 4QL
SK22 4QN
SK22 4QQ
Mellor Road
SK22 4QR
Shiloh Road
SK22 4QT
Millers Vale
SK22 4QW
SK22 9AP
SK22 9AQ