Newcastle upon Tyne (NE69) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Newcastle upon Tyne postal area and NE69 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Newcastle upon Tyne (NE69) District - 37 Active Postcodes

Street Name
NE69 7AB
NE69 7AD
Brada Quarry Park
NE69 7AE
Radcliffe Road
NE69 7AG
NE69 7AH
NE69 7AJ
NE69 7AL
NE69 7AN
Radcliffe Park
NE69 7AP
NE69 7AQ
NE69 7AR
NE69 7AS
NE69 7AT
NE69 7AU
NE69 7AW
NE69 7AX
Links Road
NE69 7AY
Red Barns Crescent
NE69 7AZ
NE69 7BA
Armstrong Cottages
Street Name
NE69 7BB
Doctors Lane
NE69 7BG
Mizen Court
NE69 7BJ
Front Street
NE69 7BL
Front Street
NE69 7BN
Church Street
NE69 7BP
Front Street
NE69 7BQ
Islestone Court
NE69 7BS
Lucker Road
NE69 7BT
Ingram Road
NE69 7BU
South Victoria Terrace
NE69 7BW
Front Street
NE69 7BX
Lindisfarne Avenue
NE69 7BY
St. Cuthberts Garth
NE69 7DB
The Wynding
NE69 7DD
The Wynding
NE69 7DE
The Wynding
NE69 7DF
NE69 7DG
Castle Wynd