Manchester (M32) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Manchester postal area and M32 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Manchester (M32) District - 687 Active Postcodes

Street Name
M32 0AA
Pinnington Lane
M32 0AB
Victoria Road
M32 0AD
Victoria Road
M32 0AF
M32 0AG
Mona Avenue
M32 0AH
Moss Road
M32 0AJ
Radstock Road
M32 0AL
Radstock Road
M32 0AN
Marlborough Road
M32 0AP
Hattons Court
M32 0AQ
Rossall Avenue
M32 0AR
Davyhulme Road
M32 0AS
Davyhulme Road
M32 0AT
Davyhulme Road
M32 0AU
Davyhulme Road
M32 0AW
Marlborough Road
M32 0AX
Moss Road
M32 0AY
Moss Road
M32 0AZ
Moss Road
M32 0BB
Thirlmere Avenue
M32 0BD
Marple Grove
M32 0BE
Thirlmere Avenue
M32 0BG
Maidford Close
M32 0BH
Coniston Road
M32 0BJ
Ennerdale Road
M32 0BL
Coniston Road
M32 0BP
Langdale Road
M32 0BQ
Buttermere Close
M32 0BR
Victoria Court
M32 0BY
Stephenson Road
M32 0DA
Grange Avenue
M32 0DB
Garden Avenue
M32 0DD
Woodlands Avenue
M32 0DE
Melbourne Avenue
M32 0DF
Delamere Avenue
M32 0DG
Balmoral Avenue
M32 0DH
Davyhulme Road East
M32 0DJ
Davyhulme Road East
M32 0DL
Belford Road
M32 0DN
Davyhulme Road East
M32 0DP
Haig Road
M32 0DQ
Stuart Road
M32 0DR
Strathmere Avenue
M32 0DS
Haig Road
M32 0DT
Lomond Avenue
M32 0DU
Ponsonby Road
M32 0DW
Davyhulme Road East
M32 0DX
Skelton Road
M32 0DY
Grasmere Road
M32 0DZ
Kendal Road
M32 0EA
Bowness Street
M32 0EB
Derwent Road
M32 0ED
Rydal Road
M32 0EE
Douglas Avenue
M32 0EG
New Belvedere Close
M32 0EJ
St. Peters Court, Burleigh Road
M32 0EL
M32 0EN
Longford Road
M32 0ES
M32 0EW
Christie Road
M32 0EX
Renton Road
M32 0EY
Wardle Close
M32 0FA
Bowness Street
M32 0FB
Derwent Road
M32 0FF
Chester Road
M32 0FG
Ada Lovelace Drive
M32 0FH
Talbot Road
M32 0FP
Talbot Road
M32 0FT
Talbot Road
M32 0FX
Talbot Road
M32 0FY
Talbot Road
M32 0FZ
Talbot Road
M32 0GA
Burleigh Road
M32 0GB
Avondale Road
M32 0GD
Tenby Avenue
M32 0GF
Talbot Road
M32 0GH
Talbot Road
M32 0GL
Wesley Street
M32 0GR
Fleming Drive
M32 0GS
Mensforth Close
M32 0GT
Moss Road
M32 0GU
Emmeline Pankhurst Drive
M32 0GW
Enriqueta Rylands Close
M32 0GX
Enriqueta Rylands Close
M32 0GY
Christie Road
M32 0HA
Chester Road
M32 0HB
Dorset Street
M32 0HD
Herbert Street
M32 0HE
Sydney Street
M32 0HF
Chester Road
M32 0HG
Ashover Street
M32 0HL
Chester Road
M32 0HN
The Bowling Green
M32 0HQ
Longford Road
M32 0HR
Haydock Close
M32 0HS
Dodie Smith Walk
M32 0HU
Longford Close
M32 0HX
Thomas Street
M32 0HY
Gorse Street
M32 0HZ
Gorse Street
M32 0JA
Taylors Road
M32 0JB
Harcourt Street
M32 0JD
Harcourt Street
M32 0JE
South Lonsdale Street
M32 0JF
South Lonsdale Street
M32 0JG
Nansen Street
M32 0JH
Thomas Street
M32 0JJ
Taylors Road
M32 0JL
Stanway Street
M32 0JN
Norway Street
M32 0JP
Taylors Road
M32 0JQ
Nansen Street
M32 0JR
Haddon Street
M32 0JS
Stanton Street
M32 0JT
Longford Trading Estate, Thomas Street
M32 0JU
Dearne Drive
M32 0JW
Norway Street
M32 0JY
Thomas Street
M32 0LA
M32 0LD
M32 0LE
M32 0LF
M32 0LG
Chester Road
M32 0LH
M32 0LJ
Emmeline Pankhurst Drive
M32 0LL
M32 0LN
M32 0LP
M32 0LQ
M32 0LR
M32 0LS
M32 0LT
M32 0LU
M32 0LW
M32 0LX
M32 0LY
M32 0LZ
M32 0NA
M32 0NB
Chester Road
M32 0ND
M32 0NE
M32 0NF
M32 0NL
Portland Road
M32 0NP
Marland Way
M32 0NQ
Marland Way
M32 0NS
Kendal Road
M32 0NU
The Chandlery
M32 0NW
Enriqueta Rylands Close
M32 0NX
Keswick Road
M32 0NY
Keswick Road
M32 0NZ
Station Road
M32 0PA
Chester Road
M32 0PD
North Lonsdale Street
M32 0PE
Portland Road
M32 0PF
Burleigh Road
M32 0PG
North Lonsdale Street
M32 0PH
Portland Road
M32 0PJ
Wingfield Street
M32 0PL
Wingfield Street
M32 0PN
Darley Street
M32 0PP
Mellor Street
M32 0PQ
Wilson Street
M32 0PR
Cavendish Road
M32 0PS
Cavendish Road
M32 0PU
Nansen Close
M32 0PW
Darley Street
M32 0PX
Nansen Close
M32 0PY
Beresford Road
M32 0PZ
Beresford Road
M32 0QA
North Lonsdale Street
M32 0QB
Burleigh Court
M32 0QD
Railway Road
M32 0QE
Thornbury Road
M32 0QF
Thornbury Road
M32 0QG
Burleigh Road
M32 0QJ
Chester Road
M32 0QL
Chester Road
M32 0QS
Chester Road
M32 0QT
Ball Green
M32 0QW
Chester Road
M32 0QY
Blackmore Road
M32 0QZ
Adlington Drive
M32 0RB
Chester Road
M32 0RD
Milton Road
M32 0RE
Milton Close
M32 0RF
Milton Close
M32 0RG
Barlow Road
M32 0RH
Canute Court
M32 0RJ
Canute Road
M32 0RN
Chester Road
M32 0RP
Talbot Road
M32 0RQ
Hornby Road
M32 0RR
Adlington Drive
M32 0RS
Chester Road
M32 0RT
Ravenswood Road
M32 0RU
Buckingham Road
M32 0RW
Chester Road
M32 0RX
Railway Road
M32 0RY
Railway Road
M32 0RZ
Railway Road
M32 0SA
Clyne Street
M32 0SB
Colley Street
M32 0SD
Elton Street
M32 0SE
Partridge Street
M32 0SF
Chester Road
M32 0SH
Talbot Road
M32 0SJ
Talbot Road
M32 0SN
Talbot Road
M32 0SP
Stephenson Road
M32 0SR
Brunel Close
M32 0SS
Stephenson Road
M32 0ST
Rennie Close
M32 0SU
Talbot Road
M32 0SW
Talbot Road
M32 0SX
Rendel Close
M32 0SY
Smeaton Close
M32 0SZ
The Furrows
M32 0TA
Chester Road
M32 0TB
Brightgate Way
M32 0TD
Talbot Road
M32 0TE
Wardle Close
M32 0TF
Wardle Close
M32 0TG
Milton Road
M32 0TH
Talbot Road
M32 0TJ
Talbot Road
M32 0TL
Parkway Trading Estate, Barton Dock Road
M32 0TN
Lee Crescent
M32 0TP
Adbaston Road
M32 0TQ
Milton Road
M32 0TR
Scholar Green Road
M32 0TS
Renton Road
M32 0TT
Gainsborough Avenue
M32 0TU
Norley Avenue
M32 0TW
Lee Crescent
M32 0TX
Ascot Avenue
M32 0TY
Gorse Avenue
M32 0TZ
Byron Road
M32 0UA
Waverley Avenue
M32 0UB
Kingsley Avenue
M32 0UD
Rotherwood Avenue
M32 0UE
Gorse Avenue
M32 0UF
Gorse Lane
M32 0UG
Gorse Crescent
M32 0UH
Shirley Avenue
M32 0UJ
Cranford Avenue
M32 0UL
Gorse Avenue
M32 0UN
Gorse Drive
M32 0UP
Gorse Crescent
M32 0UQ
Gorse Crescent
M32 0UR
Talbot Road
M32 0US
Chester Road
M32 0UT
Lumsdale Road
M32 0UW
Gorse Crescent
M32 0UX
Talbot Road
M32 0WG
Talbot Road
M32 0WH
Talbot Road
M32 0WJ
Windermere Close
M32 0WN
Talbot Road
M32 0WP
Talbot Road
M32 0WW
Talbot Road
M32 0WZ
Chester Road
M32 0XA
Great Stone Road
M32 0XB
M32 0XE
Talbot Road
M32 0XG
Talbot Road
M32 0XH
Talbot Road
M32 0XJ
Talbot Road
M32 0XL
Talbot Road
M32 0XP
Talbot Road
M32 0XR
Talbot Road
M32 0XT
Talbot Road
M32 0XZ
Davyhulme Road East
M32 0YA
Talbot Road
M32 0YH
Talbot Road
M32 0YL
Barton Dock Road
M32 0YN
Talbot Road
M32 0YQ
Barton Dock Road
M32 0YT
M32 0YU
M32 0YW
Talbot Road
M32 0YY
M32 0YZ
M32 0ZD
Hibernia Way
M32 0ZE
St. Modwen Road
M32 0ZF
Clarke Industrial Estate, St. Modwen Road
M32 0ZH
Stretford Motorway Estate
M32 0ZL
Talbot Court
M32 0ZN
Great Stone Road
M32 0ZP
Great Stone Road
M32 0ZS
Great Stone Road
M32 0ZW
Great Stone Road
M32 2AU
M32 2AW
M32 2BG
M32 2BH
M32 2BY
M32 2BZ
M32 2DB
M32 2DF
M32 2DG
M32 2SA
Talbot Road
M32 2SB
Talbot Road
M32 2SE
Talbot Road
M32 2SF
Talbot Road
M32 2ZZ
Talbot Road
M32 8AD
King Street
M32 8AE
King Street
M32 8AG
Mitford Street
M32 8AH
M32 8AL
Chester Road
M32 8AN
Thomas Gibbon Close
M32 8AP
M32 8AQ
Mitford Street
M32 8AX
Cyprus Street
M32 8AY
Jackson Street
M32 8AZ
Jackson Street
M32 8BA
Jackson Street
M32 8BB
Jackson Street
M32 8BD
Cyprus Street
M32 8BE
Cyprus Street
M32 8BF
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8BG
Pritchard Street
M32 8BH
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8BJ
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8BL
Derbyshire Green
M32 8BN
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8BP
Moreton Avenue
M32 8BQ
Moreton Avenue
M32 8BR
Grosvenor Street
M32 8BS
Lester Street
M32 8BT
Henshaw Street
M32 8BU
Henshaw Street
M32 8BW
Howard Street
M32 8DA
Longford Park
M32 8DB
Park Road
M32 8DE
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8DG
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8DH
School Road
M32 8DJ
School Road
M32 8DL
School Road
M32 8DN
Barton Road
M32 8DP
Barton Road
M32 8DQ
Park Road
M32 8DR
Derbyshire Lane
Street Name
M32 8DS
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8DT
Larne Avenue
M32 8DU
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8DW
Pinfold Court
M32 8DX
Alston Avenue
M32 8DY
Lyndhurst Road
M32 8DZ
Leyburn Avenue
M32 8EA
Melville Road
M32 8EB
Raglan Road
M32 8ED
Park Road
M32 8EE
Elizabeth Close
M32 8EF
Henshaw Street
M32 8FA
Raglan Road
M32 8FB
Park Road
M32 8FD
Park Road
M32 8FE
Park Road
M32 8GF
Cromwell Road
M32 8GG
Kings Lane
M32 8GH
Cromwell Road
M32 8GJ
Hortree Road
M32 8GL
Marston Road
M32 8GN
Kings Road
M32 8GP
Kings Road
M32 8GQ
Kings Lane
M32 8GR
Great Stone Road
M32 8GW
Kings Road
M32 8HF
Chester Road
M32 8HN
Edge Lane
M32 8HT
Lime Road
M32 8HU
Rokeby Avenue
M32 8HW
Edge Lane
M32 8HX
Lime Road
M32 8HY
Maple Avenue
M32 8HZ
Larch Avenue
M32 8JA
Granby Road
M32 8JB
Granby Road
M32 8JD
Vernon Avenue
M32 8JE
Melfort Avenue
M32 8JF
Meadow Close
M32 8JG
Kings Road
M32 8JJ
Walwyn Close
M32 8JL
Granby Road
M32 8JN
Hapton Avenue
M32 8JP
Edge Lane
M32 8JQ
Kings Road
M32 8JR
Tilney Avenue
M32 8JS
Sulby Avenue
M32 8JT
Kings Road
M32 8JW
Kings Road
M32 8LA
Cyprus Street
M32 8LE
Radnor Street
M32 8LF
Chester Road
M32 8LG
Newton Street
M32 8LJ
Raleigh Street
M32 8LL
Trafford Grove
M32 8LN
Trafford Grove
M32 8LP
Radnor Street
M32 8LR
Lacy Street
M32 8LS
Newton Street
M32 8LU
Nelson Street
M32 8LW
Trafford Grove
M32 8LX
Lacy Street
M32 8LY
Lacy Grove
M32 8LZ
Lacy Street
M32 8NA
Cooper Street
M32 8NB
Chester Road
M32 8ND
Green Street
M32 8NE
Highfield Close
M32 8NF
Highfield Road
M32 8NG
Chester Road
M32 8NH
Bradshaw Lane
M32 8NJ
Brunswick Street
M32 8NL
Highfield Road
M32 8NN
M32 8NQ
Highfield Road
M32 8NR
Deanwater Court, Highfield Road
M32 8NT
Vine Court, Brunswick Street
M32 8NU
Brunswick Street
M32 8NW
Kenwood Road
M32 8NZ
Norwood Road
M32 8PA
Edge Lane
M32 8PB
Hillingdon Road
M32 8PD
Faulkner Road
M32 8PE
Tresco Avenue
M32 8PF
Truro Avenue
M32 8PG
Alder Grove
M32 8PH
Hillingdon Road
M32 8PJ
Hillingdon Road
M32 8PL
Norwood Road
M32 8PN
Norwood Road
M32 8PP
Norwood Road
M32 8PR
Longford Park
M32 8PS
Kenwood Road
M32 8PT
Kenwood Road
M32 8PU
Edge Lane
M32 8PW
Norwood Road
M32 8PX
Edge Lane
M32 8PY
Ingleby Court
M32 8PZ
Wansbeck Close
M32 8QA
Edge Lane
M32 8QB
Longford Avenue
M32 8QD
Turn Moss Road
M32 8QF
Longford Park
M32 8QG
Kings Grove
M32 8QH
Cromwell Road
M32 8QJ
Cromwell Road
M32 8QL
Cromwell Road
M32 8QN
Kings Road
M32 8QP
Kings Terrace
M32 8QQ
Kings Road
M32 8QR
Great Stone Road
M32 8QS
Great Stone Road
M32 8QT
Kenwood Court
M32 8QU
Wansbeck Close
M32 8QW
Kings Road
M32 8QX
Cromwell Road
M32 8RA
Park Road
M32 8RB
Park Road
M32 8RD
Brigade Drive
M32 8RH
Bradley Lane
M32 8RJ
Park Road
M32 8SA
M32 8SG
Bennett Street
M32 8SH
Derbyshire Lane
M32 8WA
Crossford Street
M32 8WB
Chester Road
M32 8WE
Hawthorn Road
M32 8WF
Bradshaw Lane
M32 8WH
Hancock Street
M32 8WL
Lacy Street
M32 8WS
M32 8XL
M32 9AB
Southwell Court, Church Street
M32 9AD
Wellington Street
M32 9AE
Barton Road
M32 9AF
Barton Road
M32 9AG
Beech Walk
M32 9AH
Church Street
M32 9AJ
Chapel Lane
M32 9AL
Tree Walk
M32 9AN
Poplar Road
M32 9AP
Ash Grove
M32 9AQ
Walnut Walk
M32 9AR
Elm Drive
M32 9AS
Cherry Tree Walk
M32 9AT
Cherry Tree Walk
M32 9AU
Chester Road
M32 9AW
Elm Drive
M32 9AX
St. Matthews Court, Chapel Lane
M32 9AY
Chapel Lane
M32 9AZ
Chapel Lane
M32 9BA
Arndale Centre
M32 9BB
Arndale Centre
M32 9BD
Arndale Centre
M32 9BG
Urmston Lane
M32 9BH
Arndale Centre
M32 9BL
M32 9BN
Arndale Centre
M32 9BP
Urmston Lane
M32 9BQ
Urmston Lane
M32 9BS
Ryecroft Road
M32 9BT
Sandy Lane
M32 9BU
Ryecroft Road
M32 9BW
St. Georges Court, Urmston Lane
M32 9BX
Sandy Lane
M32 9BY
Milwain Road
M32 9BZ
Cecil Road
M32 9DA
Sandy Lane
M32 9DB
Sandy Lane
M32 9DD
Braeside, Urmston Lane
M32 9DE
Manor Court, Urmston Lane
M32 9DF
Urmston Lane
M32 9DG
Debenham Road
M32 9DH
Urmston Lane
M32 9DJ
Cressingham Road
M32 9DL
Cressingham Road
M32 9DN
Cressingham Road
M32 9DP
Washbrook Drive
M32 9DQ
Debenham Road
M32 9DR
Yardley Close
M32 9DS
Yardley Avenue
M32 9DT
Barkway Road
M32 9DU
Barkway Road
M32 9DW
Cressingham Road
M32 9DX
Barkway Road
M32 9DY
Urmston Lane
M32 9EA
Barkway Road
M32 9ED
Chester Road
M32 9EE
Lesley Road
M32 9EF
Urmston Lane
M32 9EG
Cheshire Close
M32 9EH
Urmston Lane
M32 9EJ
Foxdenton Drive
M32 9EP
Peter Wood Gardens
M32 9FA
Barton Road
M32 9FB
Beltone Close
M32 9FD
Elmwood Court
M32 9FG
Barcombe Close
M32 9FH
Urmston Lane
M32 9GA
Rowsley Road
M32 9GB
Bakewell Road
M32 9GD
Buxton Road
M32 9GJ
Barton Road
M32 9HA
Stothard Road
M32 9HB
Stothard Road
M32 9HD
Colwell Avenue
M32 9HE
Bramley Avenue
M32 9HF
Bruton Avenue
M32 9HG
Green Walk
M32 9HH
Manor Road
M32 9HJ
Arlington Road
M32 9HL
Mayfield Avenue
M32 9HN
Moss Park Road
M32 9HP
Arlington Road
M32 9HQ
Moss Park Road
M32 9HR
Moss Park Road
M32 9HS
Moss Park Road
M32 9HT
Manor Road
M32 9HU
Manor Road
M32 9HW
St. Davids Walk
M32 9HX
Westwood Road
M32 9HY
Stanmore Avenue
M32 9HZ
Moss Park Road
M32 9JA
Moss Park Road
M32 9JB
Manor Road
M32 9JD
Manor Road
M32 9JE
St. Andrews Road
M32 9JF
St. Georges Road
M32 9JH
Hampson Road
M32 9JJ
Alpha Road
M32 9JL
Beta Avenue
M32 9JQ
Hurstbrook Drive
M32 9JT
All Saints Court, Manor Road
M32 9JZ
Argyll Avenue
M32 9LA
Bradfield Road
M32 9LB
Bradfield Road
M32 9LD
Derbyshire Lane West
M32 9LE
Bradfield Road
M32 9LF
Bradfield Road
M32 9LG
Derbyshire Crescent
M32 9LH
Addison Road
M32 9LJ
Derbyshire Lane West
M32 9LL
Gairloch Avenue
M32 9LN
Montrose Avenue
M32 9LP
Derbyshire Lane West
M32 9LQ
Derbyshire Grove
M32 9LR
Derbyshire Avenue
M32 9LS
Derbyshire Avenue
M32 9LT
Derbyshire Avenue
M32 9LU
Derbyshire Lane West
M32 9LW
Derbyshire Lane West
M32 9LX
Braemar Avenue
M32 9LY
Braemar Avenue
M32 9LZ
Atholl Avenue
M32 9NA
Braemar Avenue
M32 9NB
Barkway Road
M32 9PA
Barton Road
M32 9PB
Selby Road
M32 9PD
Glastonbury Road
M32 9PE
Glastonbury Road
M32 9PF
Glastonbury Road
M32 9PG
Chatsworth Crescent
M32 9PH
Fountains Road
M32 9PJ
Brompton Road
M32 9PL
Selby Road
M32 9PN
Fountains Road
M32 9PP
Selby Close
M32 9PQ
Ripon Road
M32 9PS
Ripon Crescent
M32 9PT
Winchester Road
M32 9PU
Winchester Road
M32 9PW
Fountains Road
M32 9PX
Abbey Close
M32 9PY
Chatsworth Road
M32 9PZ
Chatsworth Road
M32 9QA
Rowsley Road
M32 9QB
Matlock Road
M32 9QD
Chatsworth Road
M32 9QE
Chatsworth Road
M32 9QF
Chatsworth Road
M32 9QG
Haworth Drive
M32 9QJ
Barton Road
M32 9QN
Ripon Road
M32 9QR
Brompton Road
M32 9QS
Ripon Crescent
M32 9QZ
Barton Road
M32 9RA
Barton Road
M32 9RB
Barton Road
M32 9RD
Barton Road
M32 9RE
Barton Road
M32 9RF
Barton Road
M32 9RG
Hope Avenue
M32 9RH
Bradfield Road
M32 9RJ
Barton Road
M32 9RL
Barton Road
M32 9RN
Barton Road
M32 9RP
Lostock Grove
M32 9RQ
Cromford Avenue
M32 9RR
Castleton Avenue
M32 9RS
Castleton Avenue
M32 9RT
Bradwell Avenue
M32 9RU
Bradwell Avenue
M32 9RW
Barton Road
M32 9RX
Bradwell Avenue
M32 9RY
Edale Road
M32 9RZ
Ashbourne Road
M32 9SA
Chinley Avenue
M32 9SB
Ashbourne Road
M32 9SD
Stretton Avenue
M32 9SE
Winster Avenue
M32 9SF
Langham Court
M32 9SG
Winster Avenue
M32 9SH
Sadie Avenue
M32 9SJ
Styal Avenue
M32 9SL
Curzon Road
M32 9SN
Ashbourne Road
M32 9SP
Barton Road
M32 9SZ
Archer Place
M32 9TA
Barton Road
M32 9TB
Barton Road
M32 9TD
Barton Road
M32 9TE
Audley Avenue
M32 9TF
Old Hall Road
M32 9TG
Audley Avenue
M32 9TH
Barton Road
M32 9TJ
Berkeley Avenue
M32 9TL
Old Hall Road
M32 9TN
Dalton Avenue
M32 9TP
Dalton Avenue
M32 9TQ
Audley Avenue
M32 9TR
The Circle, Barton Road
M32 9TS
Moss Vale Crescent
M32 9TT
Ely Avenue
M32 9TU
Lincoln Avenue
M32 9TW
Farm Avenue
M32 9TX
Lincoln Avenue
M32 9TY
Norwich Road
M32 9TZ
Norwich Road
M32 9UP
M32 9WA
Braemar Avenue
M32 9WB
Barkway Road
M32 9XA
Pullman Drive
M32 9YA
Barton Road