Falkirk (FK19) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Falkirk postal area and FK19 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Falkirk (FK19) District - 28 Active Postcodes

Street Name
FK19 8NR
FK19 8NS
FK19 8NT
FK19 8NX
FK19 8NY
FK19 8NZ
FK19 8PA
FK19 8PB
FK19 8PD
Cameron Court
FK19 8PE
FK19 8PF
FK19 8PH
FK19 8PN
Auchraw Brae
FK19 8PQ
Street Name
FK19 8PR
FK19 8PS
Auchraw Terrace
FK19 8PT
FK19 8PU
FK19 8PW
Ravenscroft Road
FK19 8PX
FK19 8PY
FK19 8PZ
FK19 8QB
FK19 8QD
FK19 8QE
FK19 8QF
FK19 8QG
Vorlich Road
FK19 8YF