Falkirk (FK16) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Falkirk postal area and FK16 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Falkirk (FK16) District - 74 Active Postcodes

Street Name
FK16 6AA
Stirling Road
FK16 6AB
Stirling Road
FK16 6AD
FK16 6AG
FK16 6AH
Riverside Cottages
FK16 6AJ
Teith Road
FK16 6AL
Teith Road
FK16 6AN
Keltie Place
FK16 6AP
Leny Road
FK16 6AR
Keltie Place
FK16 6AS
Deanston View
FK16 6AT
FK16 6AU
Ashmill Road
FK16 6AX
FK16 6AY
Murchison Park, Stirling Road
FK16 6AZ
Deanston Gardens
FK16 6BA
Grierson Drive
FK16 6BB
Pistolmakers Row
FK16 6BD
Cadell Loan
FK16 6BE
The Cross
FK16 6BF
Cotton Row
FK16 6BG
The Cross
FK16 6BH
The Cross
FK16 6BJ
Main Street
FK16 6BQ
The Cross
FK16 6BS
Park Lane
FK16 6BT
Castlehill Court
FK16 6BU
FK16 6BW
Main Street
FK16 6BX
Castle Crescent
FK16 6BY
Graham Street
FK16 6BZ
George Street
FK16 6DA
Muir Crescent
FK16 6DB
Bank Street
FK16 6DE
Balkerach Street
FK16 6DF
Balkerach Street
FK16 6DH
North Lea
Street Name
FK16 6DJ
Moray Park, Moray Street
FK16 6DL
Moray Street
FK16 6DN
King Street
FK16 6DP
Queen Street
FK16 6DQ
Hall Lane
FK16 6DS
Argaty Road
FK16 6DT
Station Wynd
FK16 6DU
Springbank Road
FK16 6DX
The Quarry
FK16 6DY
The Drovers
FK16 6DZ
The Crofts
FK16 6EA
Castle Road
FK16 6EB
Ardoch Bank
FK16 6EF
Bluebell Wood
FK16 6EG
James Smith Road
FK16 6EH
Station Wynd
FK16 6EJ
FK16 6EN
FK16 6EP
Springbank Road
FK16 6EQ
FK16 6ER
Station Wynd
FK16 6HA
FK16 6HD
FK16 6HF
FK16 6HG
FK16 6HH
FK16 6HJ
FK16 6HS
Rowan Court
FK16 6HT
Beech Court
FK16 6HU
Fir Road
FK16 6HX
Gilbert Grove
FK16 6JA
Larch Crescent
FK16 6JB
Larch Crescent
FK16 6JD
Birch Court
FK16 6JE
Pine Court
FK16 6JG
Elm Court
FK16 6JQ
Cedar Court