Falkirk (FK14) District Postcodes


This page shows all of the individual postcodes and street names within the Falkirk postal area and FK14 postal district.

If a postcode does not have a street name assigned then it is probable that this postcode is assigned to a company or organisation as a 'Large User Postcode'

Listing of postcodes within Falkirk (FK14) District - 171 Active Postcodes

Street Name
FK14 7AA
Park Place
FK14 7AB
Lovers Loan
FK14 7AD
Kellyburn Park
FK14 7AE
Muckhart Road
FK14 7AG
Drum Road
FK14 7AH
FK14 7AJ
Manse Road
FK14 7AL
Manse Road
FK14 7AN
The Glebe
FK14 7AP
Cowan Terrace
FK14 7AQ
Kirkstyle Terrace
FK14 7AR
Argyll Street
FK14 7AS
Sorley's Brae
FK14 7AT
East Burnside
FK14 7AU
Brewlands Court
FK14 7AW
Allsop Place
FK14 7AX
East Burnside
FK14 7AY
High Street
FK14 7AZ
High Street
FK14 7BA
High Street
FK14 7BB
Hillfoot Road
FK14 7BD
Hillfoot Road
FK14 7BE
Castle Road
FK14 7BF
Mitchell Court
FK14 7BG
Lawhill Road
FK14 7BH
White Wisp Gardens
FK14 7BJ
High Street
FK14 7BL
Tarmangie Drive
FK14 7BN
Princes Crescent
FK14 7BP
Tarmangie Drive
FK14 7BQ
Moir's Well
FK14 7BS
Moss Court
FK14 7BT
Tarmangie Drive
FK14 7BU
Princes Crescent East
FK14 7BW
Princes Crescent
FK14 7BX
Princes Crescent North
FK14 7BY
Innerdownie Place
FK14 7BZ
Merlin Park
FK14 7DA
Bridge Street
FK14 7DE
Bridge Street
FK14 7DF
Bridge Street
FK14 7DG
Bridge Street
FK14 7DH
Bridge Street
FK14 7DJ
McNabb Street
FK14 7DL
McNabb Street
FK14 7DN
Cairnpark Street
FK14 7DP
West Burnside
FK14 7DQ
Bridge Street
FK14 7DR
West Burnside
FK14 7DS
Gibson Close
FK14 7DT
Academy Place
FK14 7DU
FK14 7DW
Chapel Place
FK14 7DX
West Burnside
FK14 7DY
Academy Place
FK14 7DZ
Academy Place
FK14 7EA
Back Road
FK14 7EB
The Ness
FK14 7EF
Bryanston Drive
FK14 7EG
Ashley Avenue
FK14 7EJ
Station Road
FK14 7EL
Station Road
FK14 7EN
West Burnside Lane
FK14 7EP
Dewar Street
FK14 7EQ
Drum Court
FK14 7ER
Dewar Street
FK14 7ES
Dewar Street
FK14 7ET
Campbell Street
FK14 7EU
Strathdevon Place
FK14 7EW
West Burnside
FK14 7EX
Campbell Street
FK14 7EY
Devon Road
FK14 7EZ
Henderson Place
FK14 7FA
Gowan Lea
FK14 7FB
Lorne Lane
FK14 7FD
Meadowside Crescent
FK14 7FE
FK14 7FF
FK14 7GZ
The Paddocks
FK14 7HB
Manor House Road
FK14 7HD
Thornbank Road
FK14 7HE
Harviestoun Lane
FK14 7HF
Harviestoun Road
FK14 7HG
Harviestoun Road
FK14 7HH
Murray Place
FK14 7HJ
Dean Place
Street Name
FK14 7HL
Strachan Crescent
FK14 7HN
Murray Place
FK14 7HP
Murray Place
FK14 7HQ
Harviestoun Road
FK14 7HR
Mylne Avenue
FK14 7HS
Mylne Avenue
FK14 7HT
Strachan Crescent
FK14 7HU
Walton Crescent
FK14 7HW
Murray Place
FK14 7HX
Walton Crescent
FK14 7HY
Malcolm Court
FK14 7HZ
Graham Place
FK14 7JA
Craiginnan Gardens
FK14 7JB
Bogton Place
FK14 7JE
School Road
FK14 7JF
School Road
FK14 7JG
Hillview Place
FK14 7JH
FK14 7JJ
FK14 7JL
FK14 7JN
FK14 7JP
Golf View
FK14 7JQ
FK14 7JR
School Road
FK14 7JS
Green Loan
FK14 7JT
FK14 7JU
FK14 7JW
FK14 7JX
FK14 7JY
FK14 7JZ
FK14 7LA
FK14 7LB
FK14 7LD
FK14 7LE
FK14 7LF
Dollarbeg Park
FK14 7LG
FK14 7LH
Cairns Place
FK14 7LJ
Dollarbeg Park
FK14 7LL
Drumburn Road
FK14 7LN
FK14 7LP
FK14 7LQ
Mill Gardens
FK14 7LR
Vicars Bridge Road
FK14 7LS
FK14 7LT
FK14 7LU
Gartwhinzean Loan
FK14 7LW
Gartwhinzean Road
FK14 7LX
FK14 7LY
FK14 7LZ
FK14 7NA
FK14 7NB
FK14 7ND
FK14 7NE
FK14 7NF
FK14 7NG
FK14 7NH
FK14 7NJ
Mossend Green
FK14 7NL
FK14 7NN
FK14 7NP
FK14 7NQ
FK14 7NR
FK14 7NS
FK14 7NT
FK14 7NU
Main Street
FK14 7NW
FK14 7NX
FK14 7NY
FK14 7NZ
FK14 7PA
FK14 7PB
Windy Ridge
FK14 7PG
FK14 7PH
FK14 7PJ
FK14 7PL
FK14 7PN
FK14 7PP
FK14 7PQ
FK14 7PR
FK14 7PT
FK14 7PW
Gairney Burn Lane
FK14 7PX
FK14 7PY