South Yorkshire Police - Rotherham Central Neighbourhood

South Yorkshire Police Information

Covering Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield, South Yorkshire Police is the 13th largest police force within England, Wales and Northern Ireland, covering 600 square miles.

To report a crime please call 101 or 999 in an emergency. You can also report some non-urgent crimes online at www.reportingcrime.uk.

If you would like to discuss a local issue please select your Neighbourhood Team from the list below and call the team or inspector on the numbers provided.

Whilst our officers will make every effort to answer the phone, please note that they are not office based. If no-one is available to answer your call please email or call 101.

Rotherham Central Neighbourhood

South Yorkshire Police has not provided any neighbourhood information at this time.

Police Force Map - South Yorkshire Police

Neighbourhood Map - Rotherham Central

Senior Officer Details

South Yorkshire Police has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

Abigail Baker (Police Constable)
Alan Gibson (Police Constable)
Andy Thorp (Police Constable)
Dan Sawka (Police Constable)
Dean McLaughlin (Sergeant)
Hayley Laurie (PCSO)
Jacqui Millward (PCSO)
John Crapper (Inspector)

I am Inspector John Crapper and I lead the Rotherham Central Neighbourhood Team.

This covers the areas of Keppel, Rotherham West, Boston Castle and Rotherham East. We will be working towards the force’s three priorities of tackling crime and anti-social behaviour; protecting vulnerable people; treating people fairly. We will apply these objectives to the concerns of the residents in Rotherham. We will also work closely with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to work towards these aims.

Economic prosperity is key to improving the lives of the people who live in Rotherham and so we will seek to support the businesses in our area of Rotherham. We will also do our best to ensure that people are able to enjoy a good quality of life where they live.

Keeley Leng (Police Constable)
Lorraine Singleton (Police Constable)
Matthew Smith (Police Constable)
Paul Newman (PCSO)
Tom Wykes (Police Constable)
Abby Woodward (Constable)

Covers the ward area of Boston Castle, which includes Sitwell and the town centre.

Alan Gibson (Police Constable)

Covers the Rotheham West ward, which includes Ferham, Kimberworth, Masbrough, Meadowbank and Bradgate.

Andy Thorp (Police Constable)

Covers the Keppel ward, which includes Greasbrough, Wingfield, Kimberworth Park and Thorpe Hesley.

Dean McLaughlin (Sergeant)

Covers Keppel and Rotherham West wards

George Jacobs (Police Constable)

Covers the Rotherham East ward, which includes Eastwood and East Dene.

Hayley Laurie (PCSO)

Covers the Boston Castle ward, which covers Sitwell and the town centre.

Jacqui Millward (PCSO)

Covers the Rotheham West ward, which includes Ferham, Kimberworth, Masbrough, Meadowbank and Bradgate.

John Crapper (Inspector)

I am Inspector John Crapper and I lead the Rotherham Central Neighbourhood Team.

This covers the areas of Keppel, Rotherham West, Boston Castle and Rotherham East. We will be working towards the force’s three priorities of tackling crime and anti-social behaviour; protecting vulnerable people; treating people fairly. We will apply these objectives to the concerns of the residents in Rotherham. We will also work closely with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to work towards these aims.

Economic prosperity is key to improving the lives of the people who live in Rotherham and so we will seek to support the businesses in our area of Rotherham. We will also do our best to ensure that people are able to enjoy a good quality of life where they live.

Keeley Denton (PCSO)

Covers the ward area of Rotherham East, which includes Eastwood and East Dene.

Keeley Leng (Police Constable)

Covers the Rotherham East ward, which includes Eastwood and East Dene.

Lorraine Singleton (Police Constable)

Covers the Keppel ward, which includes Greasbrough, Wingfield, Kimberworth Park and Thorpe Hesley.

Paul Newman (PCSO)

Covers the Keppel ward, which includes Greasbrough, Wingfield, Kimberworth Park and Thorpe Hesley.

Richard Cousins (Police Constable)
Robert Greensmith (Sergeant)

Covers the areas of Boston Castle and Rotherham East

Tom Fish (Police Constable)

Covers the Rotheham West ward, which includes Ferham, Kimberworth, Masbrough, Meadowbank and Bradgate.

Tom Wykes (Police Constable)

Covers the Rotherham East ward, which includes Eastwood and East Dene.


Riverside House Police Station


Main Street Rotherham, S60 1QY


25 Jan 2019

Town centre - concerns raised about anti-social behaviour, street drinking and begging

Response (25 Jan 2019)

Working in partnership with RMBC - street wardens and Licensing to reduce the opportunity for street drinking. PSPO enforcement through issuing tickets, joint patrols and problem-solving plans. Partnership plans around begging with support and enforcement in relation to specific individuals

25 Jan 2019

Canklow - anti-social behaviour around the area of the school by local youths and other named individuals

Response (25 Jan 2019)

In partnership with RMBC, action has been progressed against a number of individuals. ABCs have been issued. Action being taken in relation to tenancies. Agreement to install CCTV in the area

25 Jan 2019

Clifton Park - concerns of anti-social behaviour, substance misuse and sexual activity in the park

Response (25 Jan 2019)

Regular joint patrols with park rangers, and monitoring of CCTV covering key areas of the park. Positive action taken in terms of offences committed, and appropriate safeguarding referrals for vulnerable people.

25 Jan 2019

ASB by young people around Hungerhill shops

Response (25 Jan 2019)

Regular patrols and discussion with RMBC to install CCTV at the location

25 Jan 2019

Eastwood - vehicle nuisance, anti-social behaviour, drug misuse and concerns around sexual activity taking place. Two key areas of concern Pocket Park and Eldon Road playing fields

Response (25 Jan 2019)

Patrol plan in place, regular joint patrols with RMBC street warden. Robust action taken to seize vehicles driven in anti-social manner. Plans for both locations with partners, floodlighting and CCTV installed at the park. Plans to reduce shrubbery at the fields. Diversionary activities in place with youth workers. Targeted stop search and warrants executed for drugs

25 Jan 2019

East Dene - anti-social behaviour in and around The Lanes by young people

Response (25 Jan 2019)

A number of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) have been issued to young people in partnership with RMBC. Tenancies being looked at. Community Protection Notice warning issued to stop behaviour. Diversionary activities being organised by partners

14 Nov 2019

Ferham - the supply and use of drugs, the environment and conditions of properties and street cleanliness

Response (17 Jan 2020)

Officers are working with partners and other colleagues to identify key addresses and individuals involved. "Day of action" scheduled and a working party has not been set up to address issues in the Ferham area. "
Regular patrols of location, stop searches by officers,

14 Nov 2019

Kimberworth - Anti-social behaviour, burglaries, drug dealing and the use of off-road motorcycles

Response (17 Jan 2020)

Officers have conducted a number of Operation Alligator patrols with high visibility and targeted stop search. They have also worked with the SYP off-road bike team to identify and take action against individuals. Localised Op Shield areas to be set-up
Operation shield is rolling out within the locality, signs errected and smart water registrations continue, op alliagators continue in the area.

15 Nov 2019

Kimberworth Park - shed breaks and burglaries, and anti-social behaviour particularly around St Johns Green

Response (17 Jan 2020)

Operation Shield smart water has been issued to over 500 properties in the ward. A number of youths have been spoken to with regard to behaviour. Partners are involved - RMBC, Early Help now on-board. CCTV to be installed on St Johns Green.January saw the first sec 35 Dispersal order in place for St Johns Green. This gives police the power to bann nuisance individuals from the area for upto 48hrs. Patrols by NPT have increased, further operations to take place

14 Nov 2019

Winterhill - anti-social behaviour around the school and Fellowsfield shops.

Response (15 Nov 2019)

Police and RMBC have worked together to ensure fencing installed near to the school which has reduced ASB significantly. Regular patrols and visibility at shops at key times with positive action taken.

1 Aug 2019

We have received multiple reports in relation to anti-social behaviour and drug use in the Wharncliffe area of Rotherham. There was also increased offences of shoplifting and street drinking/begging in the town centre.

Response (14 Aug 2019)

We carried out a Day of Action on the 14th August 2019 which included partnership work including visits with RMBC. This was in aim to target residents and premises of interest. A total of 29 visits were completed in the Wharncliffe area.

A homeless sweep in the Town Centre took place with Homeless Resettlement Officer where 4 rough sleepers were located signposting to support services.

We conducted high visibility patrols on foot and on bicycle supported by our Mounted department where officers enforced the PSPO and offered different crime prevention advice to members of the public. In the town centre, multiple cyclists were spoken to and offered advice in relation to cycle theft whilst a Crime Prevention stand was held at Clifton Park

Multiple arrests were made, 1 for a residential burglary, 1 for harassment and burglary, 1 for shoplifting and 1 for a breach of court order. Followed by 5 stop searches. A warrant was executed with RMBC Animal Health and the RSPCA in East Dene, leading to further enquiries from Animal health into passports and possible animal mutilation offences.

1 Jun 2019

We have received multiple reports in relation to anti-social behaviour and the use of off road motorbikes on Herringthorpe Playing Fields.

Response (10 Aug 2019)

Patrols have been completed by local officers as well as the off road bike team. Joint work is being carried out with RMBC to target harden the park with the aim of preventing the bikes getting on the park.

15 Jul 2019

There was multiple reports received in relation to youths causing issues at Eastwood View Working Mens Club. This involving antisocial behaviour causing distress to local residents.

Response (20 Aug 2019)

Joint work has been carried out with Nicholson and Co to target harden the property. As a result, the property has been boarded up to prevent further access and damage. Youths have been identified and have been dealt with accordingly. Regular patrols have been completed around the area and the issues have now stopped.

13 Nov 2019

Speeding traffic on A629. Concern for elderly residents who may be vulnerable to burglaries. Ensure a Joint surgery/drop in is established

Response (17 Jan 2020)

Operation Slowdown carried out on A629. Funding identified to purchase Smart water (op Shield) kits. Joint Surgery has been set-up.
Several more op slow downs througout Dec and Jan have taken place with more to come.
Joint surgeries are taking place, at Art Works, Brook Hill. Next meeting Thursday 23rd Janruary 2020 at 14:30

15 Nov 2019

Speeding vehicles Broom Lane near to crossing

22 Nov 2019

Nuisance youths in the Whiston area

1 Jan 2024

The interchange attracts people from all over the borough and beyond. A small minority are engaging in antisocial behaviour and making the environment less pleasant for other travellers.

Response (1 Jan 2024)

We have been reviewing CCTV in the interchange and have identified a number of people who have been responsible. They have been visited at their home address and have signed acceptable behaviour contracts. We will continue to do so with other people who engage in the same behaviour. Any breaches of these contracts may lead to an injunction being sought. If the people live in accommodation owned by the council, they will take enforcement action. The area is also being patrolled by officers from the team.

1 Apr 2024

Large amounts of antisocial behaviour has been reported in the Moorgate Road and Boston Castle Park area. This has included unacceptable behaviour around local shops and off-road motor cycles in the park

Response (16 Aug 2024)

In conjunction with the local council, cameras have been installed in the area. We review reports and identify the individuals from the camera footage. We are then able to take action to prevent further incidents. We have also appealed for information regarding who owns the motorcycles which are being used. We have received some results and hope to soon take action.

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