Norfolk Constabulary - Downham Market Neighbourhood
Norfolk Constabulary Information

Norfolk Constabulary has not provided any force information at this time.
Downham Market Neighbourhood
Welcome to Downham Market safer neighbourhood page. This section contains useful information about your neighbourhood.
Police Force Map - Norfolk Constabulary
Neighbourhood Map - Downham Market
Contact Details
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https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.twitter.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.twitter.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.twitter.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.twitter.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
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https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.twitter.com/NorfolkPolice | |
https://www.facebook.com/NorfolkPolice | |
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Senior Officer Details
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Welcome to the web page for Norwich South. We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour. I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to Norwich East.
My role is to ensure that the centre of Norwich continues to receive a very high standard of frontline policing, and that we continually work with partner agencies to look at ways of reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in our fine city.
Welcome to the Fakenham Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. The area is busy with many challenges that require a forward-thinking and flexible policing style.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
Head of County Policing Command, Norfolk
Dave originally joined his then home force, West Yorkshire Police, working initially as a patrol PC in Leeds. Following promotion to PS and a posting to Chapeltown in Leeds, he completed 2 years as a response and Custody Sgt.
He was promoted to Inspector and undertook a number of roles including within the Force control room as an OSCAR1, a staff officer to the Force Command Team and as a Patrol Inspector in Wakefield.
Following promotion to Ch Insp, Dave was posted to Bradford as the Operations Chief Inspector for Bradford North and then North Bradford and Airedale Divisions.
Dave transferred to Norfolk on promotion to Superintendent in 2008. In Norfolk he has been the district commander for North Norfolk and Broadland Districts, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk and from 2013 Norwich.
He is a Tactical Firearms Commander, A Silver and Gold Public Order Commander and a Football/Sporting events Commander. He also gained an MSc in Police Leadership and Management from Leicester University
Dave has been the Secretary of the Norfolk Branch of the Police Superintendents Association since March 2016.
Email: [email protected]
Gemma has responsibility for the Joint Performance and Analysis Department (JPAD) and also the Corporate Development and Change(CD&C).
The Joint Performance and Analysis Department consists of:
Strategic Analysis
Tactical Analysis
Research and Information
Improvement and Evaluation
Crime Registry and Audit Teams
The department produces objective and ethical products that aid strategic and tactical organisational and operational decision making and support the Constabularies in embedding the principles of Evidence Based Policing.
As head of department, Gemma Stannard is responsible for:
The development and delivery of the department’s functions and products.
Setting the strategic direction in accordance with the requirements of the Constabularies and Office of Police and Crime Commissioners
Leading strategically for the Constabularies on Evidence Based Policing
Developing and ensuring the delivery of an EBP strategy and associated aim and vision.
The Corporate Development and Change Department consists of:
Organisational Development – overseeing the development of organisational strategy, planning, risk management, continuous improvement, outcome based budgeting, policy and procedures and reducing bureaucracy.
Change Portfolios – encompassing the Business Support Review (BSR), Protective Services, Justice Services collaboration, and single force change programmes.
Business Applications – coordinating the delivery of the Digital Strategy, as well as the development and delivery of front, middle and back office IT business solutions such as Storm & the Enterprise Resource Planning system. The future programme also includes development of Athena, the national Emergency Service Mobile Communications Project, and body worn video supported by an effective network and storage infrastructure.
The Programme Management Office (PMO) – the planning and information hub for the Change Programme and Department, overseeing all existing change work, delivery of business benefits as well as future change planning for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies."
Email: [email protected]
Welcome to the Acle Safer Neighbourhood pages. I hope you will find the information on this site helpful and informative.
However, if there is anything you need further information about please do not hesitate to contact the SNT office on 101.
As Head of Information Management, Hayley Youngs is responsible for taking a strategic and advisory lead in ensuring the effective management Constabulary information and of the joint information management function, ensuring the Constabularies’ legal obligations and national requirements are effectively discharged. In particular this involves responsibility for the management and performance of the following functions:
- Freedom of Information
- Data Protection
- Information Sharing
- Audit & Compliance
- Disclosure and Barring
- Information Security
- Records Management.
James Close is ICT Director and reports to the Assistant Chief Constable. He is responsible for the delivery and development of the force’s IT infrastructure and communications systems across Norfolk and Suffolk.
Every Safer Neighbourhood has five SNT Patrol teams who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
We hold regular Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meetings in the town for local residents to raise any concerns. You can also speak to your local officers whilst on patrol or contact us by phone, email or online.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
Speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings, or if you see them on patrol. You can also contact us by phone, email or online.
Dedicated to the areas of Hethersett and Mulbarton.
John Hummersone joined Norfolk as Chief Finance Officer (statutory Section 151 Officer) to the Police and Crime Commissioner in January 2014. In April 2015 he took up the permanent role of Chief Finance Officer for the Chief Constable, having previously covered it on a temporary basis following the discontinuation of the joint Constabulary Chief Finance Officer arrangement with Suffolk.
Supt Dodman has over 27 years’ experience in policing having served in Essex Police prior to joining the Suffolk Constabulary in April 2013. Supt Dodman has spent the majority of his career in uniform operations and has served as a public order officer in all ranks.
The post of Head of Specialist Operations involves being the Superintendent in charge of Roads Policing & Firearms Operations Unit, Firearm Training, Dog Section, Operational Planning and Firearms Licensing.
Supt Dodman is qualified in all areas of Operational Command, he is a Specialist Strategic Firearms Commander, a Gold Public Order Commander and holds BSc (Hons) and MSc degrees.
Detective Superintendent Katie Elliott is Head of Joint Professional Standards. The Joint Professional Standards Department consists of:
- Serious Cases Unit
- Complaints Management Unit
- Appeals and Policy Unit
- Vetting Unit
- Anti-Corruption Unit
The department provides a service to the public, The Police and Crime Commissioners and Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies by:
- managing investigations into complaints made by the public about the police
- investigating internal misconduct allegations
- reducing the risk of corruption and preserving the integrity of the organisations.
Lindsay is head of Human Resources which consists of the HR Business Services
- HR Change
- HR Resourcing
- HR Services
- Learning and Development
As Director of Human Resources, Lindsay Shankland is responsible for developing and delivering a people strategy that supports the aims and objectives of Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies, to deliver their Police and Crime Plans.
We work with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhoods and want to hear about your concerns.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of patrol officers who will respond to your calls, investigate the crimes in your area, and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your priorities.
You can raise issues with local officers by phone, email, or in person when they are on patrol.
Welcome to the Downham Market Safer Neighbourhood Team page. The neighbourhood covers the market town of Downham Market along with 24 other villages.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
As Head of Department, Mark Davy is responsible for:
Assisting the Police and Crime Commissioners and Constabularies in delivering the best service possible for the communities of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Providing the most cost effective service, optimising value for money for the tax-payer.
Minimising carbon foot-print, reducing journey numbers and length whilst considering alternative travel methods.
Maximising operational performance and public reassurance through the provision of a fit for purpose vehicle fleet.
Ensuring robust corporate governance and risk management.
Ensuring a high standard of health and safety.
Projecting a strong corporate image.
Realising partnership opportunities as appropriate.
Utilising emerging technology as appropriate.
In addition to the beat managers and PCSOs, every Safer Neighbourhood has five teams of Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) response officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, investigate the crimes in your area and work with the beat managers and PCSOs to deliver your local priorities.
We are listening to your concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood.
Speak to your local officers at one of our bi-monthly SNAP meetings or contact us by phone, email or online.
I have spent the last nine years of my service policing Norwich West. My focus is to respond to the demands of the community especially around protecting those who are vulnerable and reducing anti-social behaviour.
I have a committed team of officers who patrol 24hrs a day but I also need your assistance. Your early reports of crimes, anti-social behaviour and matters of vulnerability are essential to make sure my officers are in the right place at the right time.
Welcome to the Bradwell Safer Neighbourhood Team pages. We are committed to serving the community and responding to its needs. We aim to provide victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a first class service which includes keeping people updated with the progress of their investigation.
We understand the impact crime and anti-social behaviour has on victims and work with our partners to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
As Inspector for this area I am passionate that we deliver high-quality community policing accessible to everyone. It is imperative that people feel safe and are able to go about their lives without the fear of crime.
ACC Dean joined Norfolk Constabulary in September 1992. Starting his career in King’s Lynn he spent time in Criminal Investigation Department, as well as uniform roles on patrol and within custody.
I would like to welcome you to the web page for Norwich North.
I am privileged to work at such a terrific local policing command with a great team of dedicated officers, innovative partners and an understanding and supportive community, which allows us to build on the great work we collectively continue to keep the community safe. I very much look forward to meeting you if you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss.
Peter Jasper is Head of Joint Finance Department which consists of:
- Corporate Accounting and Business Partners
- Financial Accounting and Specialist Functions
- Transactional Services
The department’s main purpose is to support and underpin operational policing by ensuring that financial resources and operational strategies are matched. This is to ensure proper governance arrangements are in place to cover financial matters in relation to Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies.
The Procurement and Supplies department consists of:
Regional Development Delivery and Commissioning
Commercial Team
Stores Team
Supplies Team
Print Unit
The primary role of the department is to develop joint initiatives that deliver efficiencies and economies of scale, beneficial to all organisations. The department also reviews and promotes the full use of national, regional and local agreements to secure improved value for money.
As head of department, Rex Clarke is responsible for:
Advising and co-ordinating a joint procurement policy and to provide assistance and advice to all Departments in relation to the external supply of goods and services; ensuring adherence to contract standing orders, EU Directives and Public Supply Contract Regulations 2015.
Oversee contract monitoring for strategic contracts.
Liaising directly with regional partners.
Actively contribute to a joint County wide Procurement Working Group in order to develop best practice.
Manage any skills gap, develop, undertake and promote a training programme in order to improve the performance of procurement staff.
Measure the outcomes resulting from the implementation and deadlines identified in the Financial Services Development Plan.
Maintain and update the joint Norfolk, Suffolk Contracts Register.
Email: [email protected]
Simon Bailey has been a police officer for 29 years, serving predominantly as a detective in King’s Lynn and Norwich.
On 10 June 2013, Mr Bailey was temporarily promoted to the rank of Temporary Chief Constable and on the 19 September 2013 was appointed Chief Constable by the Police and Crime Panel. In January 2014 he became the NPCC lead for Child Protection and Investigation.
Every Safer Neighbourhood is supported by patrol officers who will respond to your calls for service 24 hours a day, a team of investigators who will prioritise crime enquiries in your area, and a neighbourhood team that works across the district to respond to problems.
You can speak to your local officers at one of our regular meetings or if you see them in the street. They can also be contacted by phone, email, or online.
As head of department, Tony Byam is responsible for:
- The administration and management of the estate including the programme of long term estates strategy projects.
- The management of soft services and delivery of environmental and sustainability services.
- The management of contracts for Norfolk Operations and Communications Centre and Police Investigation Centres across Norfolk and Suffolk.
The neighbourhood covers the large village of Dersingham in West Norfolk and villages to the south east, including the Royal Sandringham estate.
We are listening to your issues and concerns and working with our partners to improve the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Speak to your local officers at a bi-monthly SNAP meeting, when you see us in your village or contact us by phone, email or online.
Neighbourhood Officer Details
63 London Road Downham Market Norfolk PE38 9AT GB
30 Apr 2024 | Youth Engagement/Education Response (16 May 2024)Visits to schools and youth groups - topics to include ASB, Criminal Damage and Online Safety |
30 Apr 2024 | Vehicle related ASB in rural villages. Response (16 May 2024)Targeted patrols of hot-spot areas, identification of known offenders. |
1 Aug 2024 | E-scooter and e-bike usage alongside other anti-social use of vehicles Response (3 Aug 2024)Street surgeries, educational drop-ins, targeted activities |
1 Aug 2024 | Youth engagement and education around anti-social behaviour and criminal damage Response (5 Aug 2024)Working with schools and youth groups as well as specific education around the law |
1 Aug 2024 | E-scooter and e-bike usage alongside other anti-social use of vehicles Response (3 Aug 2024)Street surgeries, educational drop-ins, targeted activities |
1 Aug 2024 | Youth engagement and education around anti-social behaviour and criminal damage Response (5 Aug 2024)Working with schools and youth groups as well as specific education around the law |
1 Aug 2024 | E-scooter and e-bike usage alongside other anti-social use of vehicles Response (3 Aug 2024)Street surgeries, educational drop-ins, targeted activities |
1 Aug 2024 | Youth engagement and education around anti-social behaviour and criminal damage Response (5 Aug 2024)Working with schools and youth groups as well as specific education around the law |
1 Aug 2024 | E-scooter and e-bike usage alongside other anti-social use of vehicles Response (3 Aug 2024)Street surgeries, educational drop-ins, targeted activities |
1 Aug 2024 | Youth engagement and education around anti-social behaviour and criminal damage Response (5 Aug 2024)Working with schools and youth groups as well as specific education around the law |
1 Aug 2024 | E-scooter and e-bike usage alongside other anti-social use of vehicles Response (3 Dec 2024)Street surgeries, educational drop-ins, targeted activities |
1 Aug 2024 | Youth engagement and education around anti-social behaviour and criminal damage Response (5 Dec 2024)Working with schools and youth groups as well as specific education around the law |
28 Jan 2025 | Tackling youth-related anti-social behaviour across west Norfolk Response (29 Jan 2025)Planned actions include pre-emptive education and intervention, increased patrols around hot-spot areas, working with partners to provide diversionary activities. |
28 Jan 2025 | Tackling vehicle-related anti-social behaviour across west Norfolk Response (29 Jan 2025)Planned actions include speed checks, increased patrols and working with other teams including our roads policing officers . |
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