Leicestershire Police - Spinney Hills Neighbourhood

Leicestershire Police Information

Leicestershire Police has not provided any force information at this time.

Spinney Hills Neighbourhood

This neighbourhood covers the residential areas of St Matthews, St Peters estates and Spinney Hill Park.

This diverse and busy ward also contains Spinney Hill Park Police Station which is located on the north eastern edge of the park.

To find out more about what's happening in your local area read your local station Inspector's monthly update.

Contact Details
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Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council - Noise control
Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council - Noise control
Leicester City Council
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Police Force Map - Leicestershire Police

Neighbourhood Map - Spinney Hills

Contact Details

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Senior Officer Details

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

David Sandall (Assistant Chief Constable)

David Sandall has served with Leicestershire Police since 1999, commencing his policing career from the old Asfordby Street and Charles Street Police stations in Leicester, following on from his dad and grandad in serving in Leicestershire Police as part of over 80 years family service.

David continued to work across Leicester and surrounding area as a Sergeant. He led teams as a Shift, Neighbourhood and Custody Sergeant, before moving into the investigative departments, as a Detective Sergeant and being promoted as a Leicester City Detective Inspector.

As a Detective Inspector David also led the Force Special Operations Unit, leading on covert policing and Serious and Organised Crime before being seconded to the United Kingdom Borders Agency, managing an East Midlands Regional Team tackling foreign national offending. On promotion to Chief Inspector in 2009 David worked as the crime lead across the County of Leicestershire and Rutland as part of the County North and South areas, before supporting the amalgamation into the Counties Basic Command Unit.

From 2012 to 2015 David took the lead for Safeguarding Investigations, significantly developing the response to vulnerable people and the investigation of Serious Crime. He was instrumental in the introduction of the co-located multi-agency Safeguarding, Child Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation teams and the development of the investigative digital hub.

In 2015 David was promoted to Chief Superintendent as the Head of Crime and Intelligence. David has been engaged in broad variety of high profile serious and critical incidents and crimes that have sadly occurred in Leicestershire. David recently successfully completed a Master’s degree at Cambridge University, he is an accredited PIP4 and PIP3 Senior Investigating Officer, a Senior Identification Manager and is also an active Strategic and experienced Tactical Firearms Commander.

From January 2019 David is undertaking the Temporary position as the Protective Services, Assistant Chief Constable for Leicestershire Police. This portfolio has the lead for the East Midlands Regional Criminal Justice Service, East Midlands Operations Department and he leads in Leicestershire for Serious and Organised Crime, Offender Management, Safeguarding Investigations and as the senior LGBT lead.

Outside of work David lives in Leicestershire with his family. He enjoys sport and being outside with his active children. David manages a local children’s football team and is also a parent representative for a local scout group.

Julia Debenham (Assistant Chief Constable)

Julia Debenham joined Leicestershire Police in 1993 and has remained with the force ever since. Throughout her service, Julia has held a variety of roles throughout both ranks – both uniformed and non uniformed. More recently, Julia worked in collaborative roles within the East Midlands region where she held Chief officer responsibility for East Midlands Criminal Justice Service and East Midlands Specialist Operations Service.

Julia said “I feel immensely proud to be an Assistant Chief Constable in Leicestershire Police. I work with brilliant and dedicated people who achieve so much for the public. Often their efforts are not widely visible but their impact on people, often at a time of crisis, is hugely positive. It is a real privilege to live and work in our diverse communities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. When I joined the police, I was seeking an interesting and challenging role that I could maintain as a career and that made a positive impact in our communities. 26 years on .. every day is different, every day is challenging and I continue to enjoy (almost) every minute… and I hope to make a positive difference”

Julia is married and is the mother of two young children.

Rob Nixon (Chief Constable)

Rob has served with Leicestershire Police for 25 years, beginning his policing career here in 1993.

In 2008 he was appointed as the head of the force’s Community Safety Bureau, which was responsible for the implementation of neighbourhood policing, tackling anti-social behaviour and offender management.

His next role, from 2009 to 2014, was as Chief Superintendent for the Leicester City Basic Command Unit. He led local policing for the area and worked with communities during two large scale English Defence League and Unite Against Fascism demonstrations. He was instrumental in the force’s response to disorder during August 2012.

Throughout 2014 and 2015 he was head of business change and developed Blueprint2020 – a programme designed to decide how to make significant savings and take the force into a new era of policing.

His next step was to become Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, working across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire on collaborative projects such as the regional East midlands Operational Support Service and East Midlands Criminal Justice Service.

He stayed in this role until April 2017, when he was appointed as the force’s Assistant Chief Constable. He has responsibility for local policing, crime and intelligence and public protection.

Outside of policing, Rob lives in Leicestershire with his family. He is a keen pilot, skier and has developed his construction skills while renovating a derelict property.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

Amy Pickering (PC)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)
Amy Pickering (PC)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)
Amy Pickering (PC)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)
Adam Hurst (PC)
Amy Pickering (PC)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)
Adam Hurst (PC)
Amy Pickering (PC)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)
Jake Hogan (SGT)
Karen Reed (PCSO)
Marcus Forrester (PC)
Nicky Whitehead (PC)
Oliver Mistry (PC)
Shriya Mistry (PC)
Victoria Delahunt (PCSO)
Yunus Dada (PCSO)


Keyham Lane (Leicester) Police Station


Colin Grundy Drive , Off Keyham Lane , Leicester, LE5 1FY


9 Apr 2024

Your beat team have seen an increase in calls reporting people are taking drugs or drinking alcohol within the tower blocks on the ST Peters Estate. This is corroborated by what your beat officers have witnessed. Your beat team have also highlighted people more at risk of allowing this or being taken advantage of within these blocks by drug dealers and drug users.

Response (9 Apr 2024)

Officers have been on foot within the tower blocks to discourage this behaviour, this will continue short term, your beat teams medium term plan is to link in with Leicester City Council and the St Peters housing officers to prevent this area being targeted and to ensure all possible help from all three emergency services and housing is being offered to reduce vulnerability therefore reducing the impact on the community and resolving the issue.

9 Apr 2024

The community within the St Matthews estate have reported to Police that they are concerned about the amount of young groups causing anti-social behaviour on the estate and also reported several serious incidents to the Police involving violent

Response (9 Apr 2024)

Your beat team are targeting this issue by utilising our neighbourhood priority team and beat team to gather as much information from the community as possible which we will then use to target individuals causing harm to the community. Beat team strongly suggest anyone with concerns around this issue contacts the local beat team who are based at the ST Matthews Health Centre or engage with officers you seen on foot patrolling.

9 Apr 2024

Your beat team attended a ward meeting and were told by the community that they were concerned around the amount of street drinks/drug use and anti-social behaviour on the estate around Kingfisher Avenue and surrounding streets.

Response (9 Apr 2024)

Your beat team have recognised this prior to it being mentioned by the community therefore were on the front foot when it comes to tackling the issue. Recently the beat team made an arrest of a person we believed to be involved in this activity and will continue to patrol the area during our shifts to gather as much intelligence as possible and utilise this to tackle those described to be causing concern.

8 Jul 2024

Your beat team have seen an increase in calls reporting people are taking drugs or drinking alcohol within the tower blocks on the ST Peters Estate. This is corroborated by what your beat officers have witnessed. Your beat team have also highlighted people more at risk of allowing this or being taken advantage of within these blocks by drug dealers and drug users.

Response (30 Aug 2024)

We have been working hard the past few weeks to identify who needs our support within the ST PETERS ESTATE, specifically the tower blocks. We have successfully submitted referrals for several people, meaning they are not getting the appropriate care from their GP and other agencies, which will in turn make them less vulnerable to becoming involved in criminality or victim of it. We have plans over the next few weeks and months to continue this work, but with wider agencies to ensure everyone on our beat is getting the support they need.

8 Jul 2024

The community within the St Matthews estate have reported to Police that they are concerned about the amount of young groups causing anti-social behaviour on the estate and also reported several serious incidents to the Police involving violent

Response (30 Aug 2024)

Your beat team have been conducting sweeps of the area to ensure there are no items planted that could be utilised to cause harm to the public, in addition we have been patrolling the location during days and late shifts to provide re-assurance to the public. We have many planned engagement events on the ST MATTHEWS which can be seen on the events part of this website should you wish to attend and discuss concerns you may have with your local team.

8 Jul 2024

Evidence from previous years and the fact we are now seeing lighter nights and nicer weather your beat team are expecting to see an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour on Spinney Hill Park. Based on this we have chosen to set it as a beat priority for three months, with a view to identifying offenders, taking robust action against them so the community can enjoy the park and use it for its intended purpose

Response (30 Aug 2024)

Your beat team have been regularly patrolling Spinney Hill Park and other open spaces, we have conducted weapon sweeps in these locations to ensure no persons are storing items for use in ASB or crime and have worked closely with the parks officer to have bushes and trees cut back to allow for more light and opportunity to achieve the best out of CCTV. This has led particularly to females feeling safer in the park.

8 Jul 2024

Your beat team have seen an increase in calls reporting people are taking drugs or drinking alcohol within the tower blocks on the ST Peters Estate. This is corroborated by what your beat officers have witnessed. Your beat team have also highlighted people more at risk of allowing this or being taken advantage of within these blocks by drug dealers and drug users.

Response (30 Aug 2024)

We have been working hard the past few weeks to identify who needs our support within the ST PETERS ESTATE, specifically the tower blocks. We have successfully submitted referrals for several people, meaning they are not getting the appropriate care from their GP and other agencies, which will in turn make them less vulnerable to becoming involved in criminality or victim of it. We have plans over the next few weeks and months to continue this work, but with wider agencies to ensure everyone on our beat is getting the support they need.

8 Jul 2024

The community within the St Matthews estate have reported to Police that they are concerned about the amount of young groups causing anti-social behaviour on the estate and also reported several serious incidents to the Police involving violent

Response (30 Aug 2024)

Your beat team have been conducting sweeps of the area to ensure there are no items planted that could be utilised to cause harm to the public, in addition we have been patrolling the location during days and late shifts to provide re-assurance to the public. We have many planned engagement events on the ST MATTHEWS which can be seen on the events part of this website should you wish to attend and discuss concerns you may have with your local team.

8 Jul 2024

Evidence from previous years and the fact we are now seeing lighter nights and nicer weather your beat team are expecting to see an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour on Spinney Hill Park. Based on this we have chosen to set it as a beat priority for three months, with a view to identifying offenders, taking robust action against them so the community can enjoy the park and use it for its intended purpose

Response (30 Aug 2024)

Your beat team have been regularly patrolling Spinney Hill Park and other open spaces, we have conducted weapon sweeps in these locations to ensure no persons are storing items for use in ASB or crime and have worked closely with the parks officer to have bushes and trees cut back to allow for more light and opportunity to achieve the best out of CCTV. This has led particularly to females feeling safer in the park.

6 Oct 2024

Over recent weeks and months we have had reports from residents of the Charnwood Estate, saying they're concerned around large groups of people drinking and smoking, causing general anti-social behaviour and littering, resulting in the community being disturbed and the streets looking untidy as a result.

Response (6 Oct 2024)

Your Neighbourhood Policing team will be frequenting the area at specific times throughout the evenings and nights with a view to identifying the persons involved, utilising our powers under S50 Police reform act to obtain their details and consider other powers also, for example some stop and search powers in order to tackle the problem directly and disrupt the groups. Criminal action and or civil action under the anti-social behaviour act will also be taken where necessary.

8 Oct 2024

Your Policing team are committed to maintaining the reduction we're seeing in serious violent crime, as unfortunately the area went through a period of seeing serious assaults being committed but also we received reports of persons carrying weapons, including for the purpose of self defence.

Response (8 Oct 2024)

You beat team have taken robust action against people committing violent offences with a zero tolerance approach to any person seen committing any offence against the person but also carrying any form of weapon, whether this be a bat, golf club or something more serious. We have made arrests and prosecuted people through the criminal court but also on occasion deemed it more necessary to educate young people who have a uneducated view on the consequences of such action. We will continue to work with youth offending service and partners to educate the young people within the community on the seriousness of violent crime, and look to continue prosecutions against persons we feel are not learning.

6 Oct 2024

Evidence from previous years and the fact we are now seeing lighter nights and nicer weather your beat team are expecting to see an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour on Spinney Hill Park. Based on this we have chosen to set it as a beat priority for three months, with a view to identifying offenders, taking robust action against them so the community can enjoy the park and use it for its intended purpose

Response (6 Oct 2024)

Your beat team have been completing work over the last three months to make people that use Spinney Hill Park feel safer. We have worked closely with Leicester City Council and had all the hedges and bushes cut back in and around the park, which has massively increased visibility and opens up the park to the surrounding streets, as a result we have found people congregate less due to them being seen. Officers have been patrolling the park and has taken action against ASB offenders, which on occasion has resulted in arrest. We will continue to use powers available to us until the community inform us that they feel perfectly safe within the park and regular consultation is also taking place by way of pop up stands where people can approach and discuss their concerns with officers and the council.

6 Oct 2024

Over recent weeks and months we have had reports from residents of the Charnwood Estate, saying they're concerned around large groups of people drinking and smoking, causing general anti-social behaviour and littering, resulting in the community being disturbed and the streets looking untidy as a result.

Response (26 Nov 2024)

Beat team will be looking to have a presence within this estate on all shifts between 1600 - 0100 where other demand allows. Police encourage you engage with officers you see and report any incidents of littering to the council through the LoveLeicester App.

8 Oct 2024

Your Policing team are committed to maintaining the reduction we're seeing in serious violent crime, as unfortunately the area went through a period of seeing serious assaults being committed but also we received reports of persons carrying weapons, including for the purpose of self defence.

Response (26 Nov 2024)

You beat team have taken robust action against people committing violent offences with a zero tolerance approach to any person seen committing any offence against the person but also carrying any form of weapon, whether this be a bat, golf club or something more serious. We have made arrests and prosecuted people through the criminal court but also on occasion deemed it more necessary to educate young people who have a uneducated view on the consequences of such action. We will continue to work with youth offending service and partners to educate the young people within the community on the seriousness of violent crime, and look to continue prosecutions against persons we feel are not learning.

6 Oct 2024

Evidence from previous years and the fact we are now seeing lighter nights and nicer weather your beat team are expecting to see an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour on Spinney Hill Park. Based on this we have chosen to set it as a beat priority for three months, with a view to identifying offenders, taking robust action against them so the community can enjoy the park and use it for its intended purpose

Response (26 Nov 2024)

In addition to working very closely with Leicester city council parks officers to increase visibility into the park and design out anti-social behaviour we have also been conducting regular engagements with the public and completed question survey during this to ascertain what matters most to people. Response has been positive from the community which indicates people now feel safer given the park is now more open and there is a visible presence from the beat team regularly.

6 Oct 2024

Over recent weeks and months we have had reports from residents of the Charnwood Estate, saying they are concerned around large groups of people drinking and smoking, causing general anti-social behaviour and littering, resulting in the community being disturbed and the streets looking untidy as a result.

Response (4 Jan 2025)

This remains a priority for the beat team. We have conducted engagement events within the Drs surgery whereby community have approached to meet their beat team and discuss concerns or suggestions they have. We have completed dedicated patrols of the estate to ensure we're taking action against offending and detering any littering, street drinking or other anti-social behaviour. Your beat team also have a positive working relationship with the public house at the location which has led to success around education of offenders.

4 Jan 2025

Your beat team have unfortunately seen an increase in serious violent crime within the estate, fortunately linked to a small number of groups that commit violent offences against other groups engaging in criminal activity. We see very little reporting of violent related offences against the innocent and are focusing our attention of organised criminality such as drug dealing that has a direct link to this violence.

Response (4 Jan 2025)

You beat team have taken robust action against people committing violent offences with a zero tolerance approach to any person seen committing any offence against the person but also carrying any form of weapon, whether this be a bat, golf club or something more serious. We have made arrests and prosecuted people through the criminal court but also on occasion deemed it more necessary to educate young people who have a uneducated view on the consequences of such action. We will continue to work with youth offending service and partners to educate the young people within the community on the seriousness of violent crime, and look to continue prosecutions against persons we feel are not learning.

4 Jan 2025

Police have seen an unfortunate increase in robbery and other related offences being committed within Spinney Hill Park.

Response (4 Jan 2025)

Your beat team have made this a priority and will be ensuring dedicated patrols take place within the park, which will include stop and search of offenders identified as linked to criminality, we will be completing enforcement by way of arrest of any people linked to offending within this park and you will also see an increase in engagement events at the location whereby you will be able to meet your beat team, engage with them, and highlight any issues or suggestions you may have.

6 Oct 2024

Over recent weeks and months we have had reports from residents of the Charnwood Estate, saying they are concerned around large groups of people drinking and smoking, causing general anti-social behaviour and littering, resulting in the community being disturbed and the streets looking untidy as a result.

Response (4 Jan 2025)

This remains a priority for the beat team. We have conducted engagement events within the Drs surgery whereby community have approached to meet their beat team and discuss concerns or suggestions they have. We have completed dedicated patrols of the estate to ensure we're taking action against offending and detering any littering, street drinking or other anti-social behaviour. Your beat team also have a positive working relationship with the public house at the location which has led to success around education of offenders.

4 Jan 2025

Your beat team have unfortunately seen an increase in serious violent crime within the estate, fortunately linked to a small number of groups that commit violent offences against other groups engaging in criminal activity. We see very little reporting of violent related offences against the innocent and are focusing our attention of organised criminality such as drug dealing that has a direct link to this violence.

Response (4 Jan 2025)

You beat team have taken robust action against people committing violent offences with a zero tolerance approach to any person seen committing any offence against the person but also carrying any form of weapon, whether this be a bat, golf club or something more serious. We have made arrests and prosecuted people through the criminal court but also on occasion deemed it more necessary to educate young people who have a uneducated view on the consequences of such action. We will continue to work with youth offending service and partners to educate the young people within the community on the seriousness of violent crime, and look to continue prosecutions against persons we feel are not learning.

4 Jan 2025

Police have seen an unfortunate increase in robbery and other related offences being committed within Spinney Hill Park.

Response (4 Jan 2025)

Your beat team have made this a priority and will be ensuring dedicated patrols take place within the park, which will include stop and search of offenders identified as linked to criminality, we will be completing enforcement by way of arrest of any people linked to offending within this park and you will also see an increase in engagement events at the location whereby you will be able to meet your beat team, engage with them, and highlight any issues or suggestions you may have.

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