Humberside Police - Drypool Neighbourhood

Humberside Police Information

Humberside Police has not provided any force information at this time.

Drypool Neighbourhood

Humberside Police has not provided any neighbourhood information at this time.

Police Force Map - Humberside Police

Neighbourhood Map - Drypool

Contact Details


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Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website

Senior Officer Details

Humberside Police has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

0798 Joanne Harvey (Inspector)
1548 Rich Mills (Police Sergeant)
2208 Lee Eggleton (Police Constable)
2351 James Louvain-Walters (Police Sergeant)
7728 Andrew Horton (PCSO)
7781 Carol Scotter (PCSO)
0798 Joanne Harvey (Inspector)
1548 Rich Mills (Police Sergeant)
2208 Lee Eggleton (Police Constable)
2351 James Louvain-Walters (Police Sergeant)
7728 Andrew Horton (PCSO)
7781 Carol Scotter (PCSO)


1 Jun 2024

Problems around the shopping areas on Holderness Road.

Response (1 Jun 2024)

On going patrols of the area are being completed. A prolific Shoplifter is actively being targeted for a CBO (Criminal Behaviour Order) which is in the process of being obtained.

1 Jun 2024

Local residents have stated that drug dealing has been seen in the area.

Response (1 Jun 2024)

With the assistance of the public and calling in new intelligence warrants can be obtained. Please keep letting us know.

1 Jun 2024

Cycle Theft is an issue across the ward area especially around high foot fall places.

Response (1 Jun 2024)

Engagement with cyclist to give advice that D-Lock are the better locks.

1 Aug 2024

Problems around the shopping areas on Holderness Road and residential area's where drug dealing and violence offences are impacting on residents and businesses.

Response (1 Aug 2024)

Humber Talking has been completed in this area with local residents to understand their concerns and to identify suitable responses. This includes longer term solutions with key partners.

Additional officers have been brought into the area as part of our Operation Prowess initiative which is dedicated to providing a visible police presence on foot.

We will also be taking enforcement action such as executing warrants, issuing dispersal notices, gathering evidence to support Criminal Behaviour Orders, closure orders on nuisance addresses and delivering educational inputs to raise awareness of the consequences that anti social behaviour, violence and drugs can have on victims and the wider community.

1 Aug 2024

Local residents have stated that drug dealing has been seen in the area.

Response (1 Aug 2024)

With the assistance of the public and calling in new intelligence warrants can be obtained. Please keep letting us know.

Update - From listening to your concerns we have executed a number of warrants under The Misuse Of Drugs Act. This has resulted in a quantity of class A & B drugs recovered and taken out of circulation along with persons arrested and charged.

1 Aug 2024

Cycle Theft is an issue across the ward area especially around high foot fall places.

Response (1 Aug 2024)

Engagement with cyclists to give advice that D-Locks are the better locks.
We have completed a number of Bike Register Events to security mark cycles. Look out on our social media pages for further events planned across the city.

1 Aug 2024

Due to the warmer weather Street Drinkers have started to congregate around the benches on Sherburn Street and New Bridge Road near to the green area.

Response (1 Aug 2024)

The civic CCTV camera has been requested to watch this area together with an increase in patrols. Please call in on 101 if you have any concerns regarding this issue.

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