Humberside Police - Central Neighbourhood

Humberside Police Information

Humberside Police has not provided any force information at this time.

Central Neighbourhood

Humberside Police has not provided any neighbourhood information at this time.

Police Force Map - Humberside Police

Neighbourhood Map - Central

Contact Details


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website

Senior Officer Details

Humberside Police has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

0352 George Dixie (Police Constable)
0506 Stacey Mohammed (Police Constable)
0640 Jon Hewitt (Police Constable)
0715 Keith Robinson (Sergeant)
0739 David Lonsdale (Inspector)
1329 Josh Petrini (Police Constable)
2413 Adam Walker (Police Constable)
2465 Rich Wilkinson (Police Constable)
7507 Lindsay Hall-Miell (PCSO)
7645 Fiona MacDonald (PCSO)
7666 Natalie Bingham (PCSO)
7737 Michael Kelly (PCSO)
7899 Ellis Jaffray (PCSO)
0352 George Dixie (Police Constable)
0506 Stacey Mohammed (Police Constable)
0640 Jon Hewitt (Police Constable)
0715 Keith Robinson (Sergeant)
0739 David Lonsdale (Inspector)
1329 Josh Petrini (Police Constable)
2413 Adam Walker (Police Constable)
2465 Rich Wilkinson (Police Constable)
7507 Lindsay Hall-Miell (PCSO)
7645 Fiona MacDonald (PCSO)
7666 Natalie Bingham (PCSO)
7737 Michael Kelly (PCSO)
7899 Ellis Jaffray (PCSO)
Klaudia Kujawa (PCSO)
0352 George Dixie (Police Constable)
0506 Stacey Mohammed (Police Constable)
0640 Jon Hewitt (Police Constable)
0715 Keith Robinson (Sergeant)
0739 David Lonsdale (Inspector)
1329 Josh Petrini (Police Constable)
2413 Adam Walker (Police Constable)
2465 Rich Wilkinson (Police Constable)
7507 Lindsay Hall-Miell (PCSO)
7645 Fiona MacDonald (PCSO)
7666 Natalie Bingham (PCSO)
7737 Michael Kelly (PCSO)
7899 Ellis Jaffray (PCSO)
Klaudia Kujawa (PCSO)
0352 George Dixie (Police Constable)
0506 Stacey Mohammed (Police Constable)
0640 Jon Hewitt (Police Constable)
0715 Keith Robinson (Sergeant)
0739 David Lonsdale (Inspector)
1329 Josh Petrini (Police Constable)
2413 Adam Walker (Police Constable)
2465 Rich Wilkinson (Police Constable)
7507 Lindsay Hall-Miell (PCSO)
7645 Fiona MacDonald (PCSO)
7666 Natalie Bingham (PCSO)
7737 Michael Kelly (PCSO)
7750 Klaudia Kujawa (PCSO)
7899 Ellis Jaffray (PCSO)
0352 George Dixie (Police Constable)
0506 Stacey Mohammed (Police Constable)
0640 Jon Hewitt (Police Constable)
0715 Keith Robinson (Sergeant)
0739 David Lonsdale (Inspector)
1329 Josh Petrini (Police Constable)
2413 Adam Walker (Police Constable)
2465 Rich Wilkinson (Police Constable)
7507 Lindsay Hall-Miell (PCSO)
7645 Fiona MacDonald (PCSO)
7666 Natalie Bingham (PCSO)
7737 Michael Kelly (PCSO)
7750 Klaudia Kujawa (PCSO)
7899 Ellis Jaffray (PCSO)


4 Jan 2024

Reports of ongoing drug taking and dealing in public spaces.

Response (4 Jan 2024)

A number of drugs warrants have been issued and executed in the area, resulting in arrests and drugs seizures. We are still developing a further intelligence and information picture of this priority. We would urge the public to report any suspicious directly to Police via 101 or online.

4 Jan 2024

Reports of local youths setting fires and entering building one of which recently fell through one of the floors, not resulting in serious injury. Further reports of homeless persons on site, residing within the premise.

Response (4 Jan 2024)

Visit to the premises to complete visual audit and secure property.
Intervention with youths and homeless persons.
Humber talking
Utilise Civic CCTV to monitor.
Target named suspects

4 Jan 2024

Complaints received from local businesses and members of the public regarding ASB through begging and street drinking in Hull City Centre leading to people feeling unsafe.

Response (4 Jan 2024)

Ongoing partnership work with Council, HullBid, and local business to address the problem. A number of individuals have received community protection warnings/notices and are now in the process of referring repeat offenders to court to obtain Criminal Behaviour Orders.

5 Sep 2024

Reports of ongoing drug taking and dealing in public spaces.

Response (5 Sep 2024)

A number of drugs warrants have been issued and executed in the area, resulting in arrests and drugs seizures. We are still developing a further intelligence and information picture of this priority. We would urge the public to report any suspicious directly to Police via 101 or online.

We have now been able to access funding which has provided a static Civic CCTV camera in the area of Vane Street.

An Audit has been conducted in the area which has suggested that foliage from trees and bushes needed to be cut back to allow more visibility. The council have completed this, which appears to have had the desired impact.

Increase police patrols in the area, both high visible e and plain clothes has led to a number of arrests. This proactive police approach continues and a reduction in the reports and demand in the area is being seen.

We will continue to monitor the situation and police the area. Humber Talking with local residents has seen an increase in police confidence and reports back have been positive and led to more information sharing.

5 Sep 2024

Complaints received from local businesses and members of the public regarding ASB through begging and street drinking in Hull City Centre leading to people feeling unsafe.

This matter has not been as problematic within the city centre in Summer 2024 as it was in previous years. This is partly due to the Operation Luscombe process explained above. However, the Neighbourhood team also continues to work closely with licencing departments and routinely check licenced premises, ensuring conditions are adhered to. This includes the introduction of a reduced ABV and the sale of single cans. Premises are also reminded of the conditions not to serve to those known to be intoxicated or previously, from knowledge, committed ASB whilst under the influence.

Response (5 Sep 2024)

We continue to utilise Principles of Operation Luscombe. An initiative first introduced by The City of London in 2018. The operation uses a traffic light four-stage warning system to encourage those found begging or street drinking to seek support for their often complex needs as a longer-term problem solving initiative, using anti-social behaviour legislation, as opposed to making arrests, with recognition given that the offenders are often vulnerable and should also be considered as victims. To date we have been very successful in our approach with 51 Green tickets issues, 13 Amber Tickets and 8 Red Tickets issued. We currently have been granted 2x Criminal Behaviour orders and are seeking a further two more which should be heard by courts in October 2024.

Police, alongside Council are also working on a public consultation to increase powers of the current Public Space Protection Order, which will again allow further powers to tackle this complex issue.

5 Sep 2024

This issue has not been widely reported by the public in the summer months as being problematic. However, with the weather conditions changing we know from historical data that this will once again become an issue. Police work closely with council on the issues and together are looking for more ways to tackle the issue.

Response (5 Sep 2024)

This is once again, a very complex issue and requires a sensitive approach but ultimately we aim to protect the pubic against harm and in doing so aim to address concerns highlighted to us. We utilise Luscombe principles but are working closely with Outreach, Renew and The Changing futures HUB to offer the relevant support to those we encounter.

We also report any issues to council clean up teams and urge the public to report the same.

Council are looking at a number of long term solutions to address this continuing issue.

5 Sep 2024

Reports of ongoing drug taking and dealing in public spaces.

Response (5 Sep 2024)

A number of drugs warrants have been issued and executed in the area, resulting in arrests and drugs seizures. We are still developing a further intelligence and information picture of this priority. We would urge the public to report any suspicious directly to Police via 101 or online.

We have now been able to access funding which has provided a static Civic CCTV camera in the area of Vane Street.

An Audit has been conducted in the area which has suggested that foliage from trees and bushes needed to be cut back to allow more visibility. The council have completed this, which appears to have had the desired impact.

Increase police patrols in the area, both high visible e and plain clothes has led to a number of arrests. This proactive police approach continues and a reduction in the reports and demand in the area is being seen.

We will continue to monitor the situation and police the area. Humber Talking with local residents has seen an increase in police confidence and reports back have been positive and led to more information sharing.

5 Sep 2024

Complaints received from local businesses and members of the public regarding ASB through begging and street drinking in Hull City Centre leading to people feeling unsafe.

This matter has not been as problematic within the city centre in Summer 2024 as it was in previous years. This is partly due to the Operation Luscombe process explained above. However, the Neighbourhood team also continues to work closely with licencing departments and routinely check licenced premises, ensuring conditions are adhered to. This includes the introduction of a reduced ABV and the sale of single cans. Premises are also reminded of the conditions not to serve to those known to be intoxicated or previously, from knowledge, committed ASB whilst under the influence.

Response (5 Sep 2024)

We continue to utilise Principles of Operation Luscombe. An initiative first introduced by The City of London in 2018. The operation uses a traffic light four-stage warning system to encourage those found begging or street drinking to seek support for their often complex needs as a longer-term problem solving initiative, using anti-social behaviour legislation, as opposed to making arrests, with recognition given that the offenders are often vulnerable and should also be considered as victims. To date we have been very successful in our approach with 51 Green tickets issues, 13 Amber Tickets and 8 Red Tickets issued. We currently have been granted 2x Criminal Behaviour orders and are seeking a further two more which should be heard by courts in October 2024.

Police, alongside Council are also working on a public consultation to increase powers of the current Public Space Protection Order, which will again allow further powers to tackle this complex issue.

5 Sep 2024

This issue has not been widely reported by the public in the summer months as being problematic. However, with the weather conditions changing we know from historical data that this will once again become an issue. Police work closely with council on the issues and together are looking for more ways to tackle the issue.

Response (5 Sep 2024)

This is once again, a very complex issue and requires a sensitive approach but ultimately we aim to protect the pubic against harm and in doing so aim to address concerns highlighted to us. We utilise Luscombe principles but are working closely with Outreach, Renew and The Changing futures HUB to offer the relevant support to those we encounter.

We also report any issues to council clean up teams and urge the public to report the same.

Council are looking at a number of long term solutions to address this continuing issue.

21 Sep 2024

Ongoing reports of drug taking and dealing within Waterloo Park. Alongside this reports of persons on Sur-Ron bikes being ridden in the area in an Anti-Social manner.

Response (21 Sep 2024)

Officers are in the area in both uniform and plain clothes conducting stop searches on key individuals. A number of arrests have been made, however we are aware that this is just a short term fix. We will continue speaking with local residents to obtain new information and evidence in relation to the ongoing issues.

In partnership with the local authority we will be completing an audit of the area and will be recommending a number of environmental changes to assist in the long term problem solving aspect by increasing visibility, target hardening the area and increasing confidence of the local community to report these matters to the police. Alongside this partners are considering funding for regeneration projects in the area, including the use of new council CCTV.

16 Oct 2024

Reports of ongoing drug taking and dealing in public spaces. This is linked to a Organised crime group we are actively targeting.

Response (16 Oct 2024)

A number of drugs warrants have been issued and executed in the area, resulting in arrests and drugs seizures. We are still developing a further intelligence and information picture of this priority. We would urge the public to report any suspicious directly to Police via 101 or online.

We have now been able to access funding which has provided a static Civic CCTV camera in the area of Vane Street.

An Audit has been conducted in the area which has suggested that foliage from trees and bushes needed to be cut back to allow more visibility. The council have completed this, which appears to have had the desired impact.

Increase police patrols in the area, both high visible e and plain clothes has led to a number of arrests. This proactive police approach continues and a reduction in the reports and demand in the area is being seen.

We will continue to monitor the situation and police the area. Humber Talking with local residents has seen an increase in police confidence and reports back have been positive and led to more information sharing.

To date we have arrested, charged and remanded two persons associated with the OCG. We have also arrested and charged numerous street level dealers found dealing on behalf of the group.

16 Oct 2024

Complaints received from local businesses and members of the public regarding ASB through begging and street drinking in Hull City Centre leading to people feeling unsafe.

This matter has not been as problematic within the city centre in Summer 2024 as it was in previous years. This is partly due to the Operation Luscombe process explained above. However, the Neighbourhood team also continues to work closely with licencing departments and routinely check licenced premises, ensuring conditions are adhered to. This includes the introduction of a reduced ABV and the sale of single cans. Premises are also reminded of the conditions not to serve to those known to be intoxicated or previously, from knowledge, committed ASB whilst under the influence.

Response (16 Oct 2024)

We continue to utilise Principles of Operation Luscombe. An initiative first introduced by The City of London in 2018. The operation uses a traffic light four-stage warning system to encourage those found begging or street drinking to seek support for their often complex needs as a longer-term problem solving initiative, using anti-social behaviour legislation, as opposed to making arrests, with recognition given that the offenders are often vulnerable and should also be considered as victims. To date we have been very successful in our approach with 51 Green tickets issues, 13 Amber Tickets and 8 Red Tickets issued. We currently have been granted 2x Criminal Behaviour orders and are seeking a further two more which should be heard by courts in October 2024.

Police, alongside Council are also working on a public consultation to increase powers of the current Public Space Protection Order, which will again allow further powers to tackle this complex issue.

16 Oct 2024

This issue has not been widely reported by the public in the summer months as being problematic. However, with the weather conditions changing we know from historical data that this will once again become an issue. Police work closely with council on the issues and together are looking for more ways to tackle the issue.

Response (16 Oct 2024)

This is once again, a very complex issue and requires a sensitive approach but ultimately we aim to protect the pubic against harm and in doing so aim to address concerns highlighted to us. We utilise Luscombe principles but are working closely with Outreach, Renew and The Changing futures HUB to offer the relevant support to those we encounter.

We also report any issues to council clean up teams and urge the public to report the same.

Council are looking at a number of long term solutions to address this continuing issue.

16 Oct 2024

Ongoing reports of drug taking and dealing within Waterloo Park. Alongside this reports of persons on Sur-Ron bikes being ridden in the area in an Anti-Social manner.

Response (16 Oct 2024)

Officers are in the area in both uniform and plain clothes conducting stop searches on key individuals. A number of arrests have been made, however we are aware that this is just a short term fix. We will continue speaking with local residents to obtain new information and evidence in relation to the ongoing issues.

In partnership with the local authority we will be completing an audit of the area and will be recommending a number of environmental changes to assist in the long term problem solving aspect by increasing visibility, target hardening the area and increasing confidence of the local community to report these matters to the police. Alongside this partners are considering funding for regeneration projects in the area, including the use of new council CCTV.

We have made over 10 arrests within the park for drug related offences. We will continue to monitor the area and patrol on a regular basis. A closure order is being prepared in relation to a nearby house suspected of supplying drugs in the location. Working alongside council we will look to ensure direct enforcement is taken on the occupants and those attending the address.

6 Nov 2024

Reports of ongoing drug taking and dealing in public spaces. This is linked to a Organised crime group we are actively targeting.

Response (6 Nov 2024)

A number of drugs warrants have been issued and executed in the area, resulting in arrests and drugs seizures. We are still developing a further intelligence and information picture of this priority. We would urge the public to report any suspicious directly to Police via 101 or online.

We have now been able to access funding which has provided a static Civic CCTV camera in the area of Vane Street.

An Audit has been conducted in the area which has suggested that foliage from trees and bushes needed to be cut back to allow more visibility. The council have completed this, which appears to have had the desired impact.

Increase police patrols in the area, both high visible e and plain clothes has led to a number of arrests. This proactive police approach continues and a reduction in the reports and demand in the area is being seen.

We will continue to monitor the situation and police the area. Humber Talking with local residents has seen an increase in police confidence and reports back have been positive and led to more information sharing.

To date we have arrested, charged and remanded two persons associated with the OCG. We have also arrested and charged numerous street level dealers found dealing on behalf of the group.

6 Oct 2024

Complaints received from local businesses and members of the public regarding ASB through begging and street drinking in Hull City Centre leading to people feeling unsafe.

This matter has not been as problematic within the city centre in Summer 2024 as it was in previous years. This is partly due to the Operation Luscombe process explained above. However, the Neighbourhood team also continues to work closely with licencing departments and routinely check licenced premises, ensuring conditions are adhered to. This includes the introduction of a reduced ABV and the sale of single cans. Premises are also reminded of the conditions not to serve to those known to be intoxicated or previously, from knowledge, committed ASB whilst under the influence.

Response (6 Oct 2024)

We continue to utilise Principles of Operation Luscombe. An initiative first introduced by The City of London in 2018. The operation uses a traffic light four-stage warning system to encourage those found begging or street drinking to seek support for their often complex needs as a longer-term problem solving initiative, using anti-social behaviour legislation, as opposed to making arrests, with recognition given that the offenders are often vulnerable and should also be considered as victims. To date we have been very successful in our approach with 51 Green tickets issues, 13 Amber Tickets and 8 Red Tickets issued. We currently have been granted 2x Criminal Behaviour orders and are seeking a further two more which should be heard by courts in October 2024.

Police, alongside Council are also working on a public consultation to increase powers of the current Public Space Protection Order, which will again allow further powers to tackle this complex issue.

6 Nov 2024

This issue has not been widely reported by the public in the summer months as being problematic. However, with the weather conditions changing we know from historical data that this will once again become an issue. Police work closely with council on the issues and together are looking for more ways to tackle the issue.

Response (6 Nov 2024)

This is once again, a very complex issue and requires a sensitive approach but ultimately we aim to protect the pubic against harm and in doing so aim to address concerns highlighted to us. We utilise Luscombe principles but are working closely with Outreach, Renew and The Changing futures HUB to offer the relevant support to those we encounter.

We also report any issues to council clean up teams and urge the public to report the same.

Council are looking at a number of long term solutions to address this continuing issue.

6 Nov 2024

Ongoing reports of drug taking and dealing within Waterloo Park. Alongside this reports of persons on Sur-Ron bikes being ridden in the area in an Anti-Social manner.

Response (6 Nov 2024)

Officers are in the area in both uniform and plain clothes conducting stop searches on key individuals. A number of arrests have been made, however we are aware that this is just a short term fix. We will continue speaking with local residents to obtain new information and evidence in relation to the ongoing issues.

In partnership with the local authority we will be completing an audit of the area and will be recommending a number of environmental changes to assist in the long term problem solving aspect by increasing visibility, target hardening the area and increasing confidence of the local community to report these matters to the police. Alongside this partners are considering funding for regeneration projects in the area, including the use of new council CCTV.

We have made over 10 arrests within the park for drug related offences. We will continue to monitor the area and patrol on a regular basis. A closure order is being prepared in relation to a nearby house suspected of supplying drugs in the location. Working alongside council we will look to ensure direct enforcement is taken on the occupants and those attending the address.

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