Humberside Police - Bridlington North Neighbourhood

Humberside Police Information

Humberside Police has not provided any force information at this time.

Bridlington North Neighbourhood

Humberside Police has not provided any neighbourhood information at this time.

Police Force Map - Humberside Police

Neighbourhood Map - Bridlington North

Contact Details


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website


Call us on 101


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Get in touch via the Humberside Police website

Senior Officer Details

Humberside Police has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

0163 Maria Adlington (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0759 Andy Beadman (Inspector)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7617 Beverley Feirn (PCSO)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)
0163 Maria Adlington (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0759 Andy Beadman (Inspector)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7617 Beverley Feirn (PCSO)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)
0163 Maria Adlington (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0759 Andy Beadman (Inspector)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7617 Beverley Feirn (PCSO)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)
0019 Stacey Hartley (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0759 Andy Beadman (Inspector)
0996 Sebastian Petch (Police Constable)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7846 Leonard Sandison (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)
0019 Stacey Hartley (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0759 Andy Beadman (Inspector)
0996 Sebastian Petch (Police Constable)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7846 Leonard Sandison (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)
0019 Stacey Hartley (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0996 Sebastian Petch (Police Constable)
1119 Ian Foster (Inspector)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7846 Leonard Sandison (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)
0019 Stacey Hartley (Police Constable)
0304 Jordon Petch (Police Constable)
0657 Tricia Hook (Police Constable)
0996 Sebastian Petch (Police Constable)
1119 Ian Foster (Inspector)
1577 Simon Kelly (Police Constable)
1830 Matthew Ferris (Police Constable)
1855 Sam Hoggard (Police Constable)
2052 Chris Almond (Sergeant)
7791 Mike Singh (PCSO)
7846 Leonard Sandison (PCSO)
7884 Gerald Quinn (PCSO)


4 Jun 2024

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Jun 2024)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We have received information and targeted areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

4 Jun 2024

ASB – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Jun 2024)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We have identified a recent spike in youths engaging in ASB, using off road motorbikes and quad bikes on the CYP grounds and the Gypsey Road estate in general. Operation Yellowfin will engage in this area.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Youths have already been identified and we are utilising the fairway system to deal with this. We have signed youths up to Anti-Social Behaviour contracts and parents are aware of the issues they are causing. Any offences will be dealt with positively and we will look towards Youth Justice Service intervention where appropriate.

4 Jun 2024

Shop Thefts – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Jun 2024)

We will continue to address high demand locations. Work is ongoing with retail premises in the area of Promenade, St Johns Street and Hilderthorpe Road. We will, by default, carry out high visibility foot patrols in these areas and will deal with any offences positively in conjunction with our Patrol colleagues.

4 Jun 2024


Response (4 Jun 2024)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

3 Sep 2024

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (3 Sep 2024)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We have received information and targeted areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

3 Sep 2024

ASB – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (3 Sep 2024)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We have identified a recent spike in youths engaging in ASB, using off road motorbikes and quad bikes on the CYP grounds and the Gypsey Road estate in general. Operation Yellowfin will engage in this area.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Youths have already been identified and we are utilising the fairway system to deal with this. We have signed youths up to Anti-Social Behaviour contracts and parents are aware of the issues they are causing. Any offences will be dealt with positively and we will look towards Youth Justice Service intervention where appropriate.

3 Sep 2024

Shop Thefts – Ongoing core priority

Response (3 Sep 2024)

We will continue to address high demand locations. Work is ongoing with retail premises in the area of Promenade, St Johns Street and Hilderthorpe Road. We will, by default, carry out high visibility foot patrols in these areas and will deal with any offences positively in conjunction with our Patrol colleagues.

3 Sep 2024


Response (3 Sep 2024)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

2 Oct 2024

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (2 Oct 2024)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We have received information and targeted areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

2 Oct 2024

ASB – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (2 Oct 2024)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We have identified a recent spike in youths engaging in ASB, using off road motorbikes and quad bikes on the CYP grounds and the Gypsey Road estate in general. Operation Yellowfin will engage in this area.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Youths have already been identified and we are utilising the fairway system to deal with this. We have signed youths up to Anti-Social Behaviour contracts and parents are aware of the issues they are causing. Any offences will be dealt with positively and we will look towards Youth Justice Service intervention where appropriate.

2 Oct 2024

Shop Thefts – Ongoing core priority

Response (2 Oct 2024)

We will continue to address high demand locations. Work is ongoing with retail premises in the area of Promenade, St Johns Street and Hilderthorpe Road. We will, by default, carry out high visibility foot patrols in these areas and will deal with any offences positively in conjunction with our Patrol colleagues.

2 Oct 2024


Response (2 Oct 2024)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

2 Oct 2024

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (2 Oct 2024)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We have received information and targeted areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

2 Oct 2024

ASB – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (2 Oct 2024)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We have identified a recent spike in youths engaging in ASB, using off road motorbikes and quad bikes on the CYP grounds and the Gypsey Road estate in general. Operation Yellowfin will engage in this area.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Youths have already been identified and we are utilising the fairway system to deal with this. We have signed youths up to Anti-Social Behaviour contracts and parents are aware of the issues they are causing. Any offences will be dealt with positively and we will look towards Youth Justice Service intervention where appropriate.

2 Oct 2024

Shop Thefts – Ongoing core priority

Response (2 Oct 2024)

We will continue to address high demand locations. Work is ongoing with retail premises in the area of Promenade, St Johns Street and Hilderthorpe Road. We will, by default, carry out high visibility foot patrols in these areas and will deal with any offences positively in conjunction with our Patrol colleagues.

2 Oct 2024


Response (2 Oct 2024)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

4 Nov 2024

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Nov 2024)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We have received information and targeted areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

4 Nov 2024

ASB – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Nov 2024)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We have identified a recent spike in youths engaging in ASB, using off road motorbikes and quad bikes on the CYP grounds and the Gypsey Road estate in general. Operation Yellowfin will engage in this area.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Youths have already been identified and we are utilising the fairway system to deal with this. We have signed youths up to Anti-Social Behaviour contracts and parents are aware of the issues they are causing. Any offences will be dealt with positively and we will look towards Youth Justice Service intervention where appropriate.

4 Nov 2024

Shop Thefts – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Nov 2024)

We will continue to address high demand locations. Work is ongoing with retail premises in the area of Promenade, St Johns Street and Hilderthorpe Road. We will, by default, carry out high visibility foot patrols in these areas and will deal with any offences positively in conjunction with our Patrol colleagues.

4 Nov 2024


Response (4 Nov 2024)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

6 Jan 2025

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (6 Jan 2025)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We have received information and targeted areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

6 Jan 2025

ASB – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (6 Jan 2025)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Some youths have already been identified and we are utilising the fairway system to deal with this. We have signed youths up to Anti-Social Behaviour contracts and parents are aware of the issues they are causing. Any offences will be dealt with positively and we will look towards Youth Justice Service intervention where appropriate.

6 Jan 2025


Response (6 Jan 2025)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

4 Feb 2025

Disruption of Drug activity – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Feb 2025)

Drug taking and dealing in the streets around the town centre of Bridlington continue to be our focus. We continue to receive information and target areas of concern. Addresses with increased activity will be monitored adding to the intelligence picture. We continue to review this intelligence, obtain warrants, and target areas and individuals of concern using our stop and search powers. We continue to work with residents, Pro-active Patrols and BTP.
Operation Shield has led to numerous drug arrests. Clear, Hold, Build will further impact in this area.
You can report anonymously via ‘CrimeStoppers’ at https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

4 Feb 2025

ASB including nuisance motorbikes – Town wide – Ongoing core priority

Response (4 Feb 2025)

We continue to engage with the community and monitor areas subject to ASB.

We will conduct high visibility patrols and liaise with housing and social care. We are supporting local businesses with regular patrols and work with other agencies and children’s homes to support youths and promote positive relationships. Liaison with schools continues. Local officers are working with housing and social services in relation to visiting youths and parents to minimise ASB.

Operation Yellowfin will be carrying out patrols in areas effected.

4 Feb 2025


Response (4 Feb 2025)

Humber Talking is still being undertaken in the Bridlington area. We will be adhering to social distancing guidance and will not be entering houses but speaking to members of the public who want to take part on their doorsteps. If you would rather participate online and highlight any issues you think the Police should be dealing with, please visit the website


Your responses help us better understand our area and prioritise issues to be tackled.

4 Feb 2025

Shop Theft

Response (4 Feb 2025)

We will continue to address high demand locations. Work is ongoing with retail premises in the area of Promenade, St Johns Street and Hilderthorpe Road. We will, by default, carry out high visibility foot patrols in these areas and will deal with any offences positively in conjunction with our Patrol colleagues. We continue to liaise with shop managers offering assistance and crime prevention advice.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.