Hampshire Constabulary - Liss Neighbourhood

Hampshire Constabulary Information

Hampshire Constabulary is one of the biggest forces in the country, whose purpose is to deliver SAFER communities. We police over 1,500 square miles; are home to a significant transport network including the M27 and M3, key rail hubs and two international airports; and critical national infrastructure.

Liss Neighbourhood

Hampshire Constabulary has not provided any neighbourhood information at this time.

Police Force Map - Hampshire Constabulary

Neighbourhood Map - Liss

Contact Details

Force Web Page

Most of our information can be accessed through the internet at our Home page.

Hampshire on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hampshire-Constabulary/22018596340
Hampshire on Twitter https://twitter.com/hantspolice
Hampshire on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialHantsPolice

Senior Officer Details

Hampshire Constabulary has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

24309 Griffiths (Sergeant)


Aldershot Police Station


Orchard Lane, Alton, GU11 1NZ

Opening Hours:
Mon: 0800 - 2000
Tue: 0800 - 2000
Wed: 0800 - 2000
Thu: 0800 - 2000
Fri: 0800 - 2000
Sat: 0800 - 2000
Sun: 0900 - 1400 & 14.45 - 1700


27 Jun 2023

No Priorities

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.