Dorset Police - Bournemouth East - West Neighbourhood

Dorset Police Information

Dorset Police covers approximately 1024 Square miles of land and a similar body of water off the coastline.

Dorset is one of a very few to not have a motorway to patrol, but does have three very busy main roads and over 3332 miles of roads to police.

Bournemouth East - West Neighbourhood

Bournemouth East NPT is the Dorset Police Neighbourhood Policing team that covers EastCliff, Springbourne & Boscombe areas of Bournemouth.

Police Force Map - Dorset Police

Neighbourhood Map - Bournemouth East - West

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Senior Officer Details

Dorset Police has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
1993 Dan Patrascu (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
7135 Jack Windsor (PCSO)
1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
1993 Dan Patrascu (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
7135 Jack Windsor (PCSO)
1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
1993 Dan Patrascu (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
6494 Georgia Nelson (PCSO)
7135 Jack Windsor (PCSO)
1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
1993 Dan Patrascu (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
6494 Georgia Nelson (PCSO)
7135 Jack Windsor (PCSO)
1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
1993 Dan Patrascu (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
6494 Georgia Nelson (PCSO)
1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
6494 Georgia Nelson (PCSO)
1122 Mia Rushen (Police Constable)
1385 Robert Duckmanton (Police Constable)
2228 Ashley White (Sergeant)
2395 Dan Cullen (Inspector)
2549 Jo Morgan (Police Constable)
2810 Dave Buchanan (Police Constable)
2843 Andrew Jennings (Police Constable)
6494 Georgia Nelson (PCSO)


Bournemouth Central Police Station


Madeira Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1QL

The Eastcliff & Springbourne section is made up of a large residential population along with a thriving tourist and business trade, due to the close proximity of the beach and transport links. The problems associated with policing both a business and residential community are complicated and the team work closely with partner agencies to reduce and prevent crime.

Boscombe has a popular shopping precinct which includes a local market and a historical shopping arcade within walking distance from Boscombe Pier and beach. Our iconic Police Enquiry Box is in the centre of this regenerating community, enabling local residents and traders to engage with their local officers. Surrounding the precinct is a large residential community. This provides a diverse range of challenges which the team continuously strive to tackle.



What do you think our priorities should be?

Let Us Know…

Complete the Survey…. 


Due to current staffing restrictions/reductions, there will be some disruption to Station Desk Services. Hours will be reviewed regularly based on required staffing availability. Thank you for your patience and understanding.                    

During February/March 2023 Bournemouth Enquiry Office hours will be adjusted as below:  

On some dates due to these temporary reductions, the station may need to close
1300-1400 hrs for rest break.

  • 07.03.2023 0800 - 1545
  • 08.03.2023 0800 - 1630
  • 09.03.2023 0800 - 1600
  • 10.03.2023 0800 - 1500
  • 13.03.2023 - 31.03.2023 0900-1600 core hours only
  • Good Friday 07.04.2023 0800-1730
  • Easter Sunday 09.04.2023 0900-1300/1400-1730
  • Easter Monday 10.04.2023
  • Kings Coronation B/H 08.05.2023 
  • Good Friday 07.04.2023 0800-1730
  • Easter Sunday 09.04.2023 0900-1300/1400-1730
  • Easter Monday 10.04.2023
  • Kings Coronation B/H 08.05.2023 

We aim to revert to regular hours of Monday - Friday 0800-1800 hrs and Saturday & Sundays 0900-1730 hrs &
Bank Holidays 0900-1730 hrs
as soon as possible.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Normal policing patrols will continue to be provided when the Station Desk is closed and alternative contact can be made using the online reporting services on our website, email to [email protected] or via 101 for all non-emergency matters. 

When life or safety is at risk always dial 999.

Please note that when attending to ensure effort is made to arrive approximately 1 hour prior to closing time to allow your enquiry or process to be dealt with.

Road Traffic Collisions, Property Release, Section 165 seized motor vehicle release, Prohibition release, Sex Offender registration - can take up to 1 hour to complete.

Thank you for your consideration and enabling us to provide as prompt a service as possible.


1 Apr 2024Drug dealing and County Lines Drug dealing and county lines remain a priority for us.
We have continued with our safe and well checks and focusing on street dealing, disrupting the wider supply chain and repeat key offenders. To achieve this, we rely on local community intelligence that is reported to us. This can be done via our website or to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.  We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We work with the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team (NET) to address matters that concerns that community. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.
1 Apr 2024


NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priority for the communities. We know that ASB adversely affects people who live within our communities. We have been tackling this ongoing problem in a number of ways:

  • Working collaboratively with our partner agencies supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB

  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB

  • Effective use of civil legislation under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

We have recently obtained a 3 month partial closure order on a property in Frances Road. This was because the property was associated with repeated ASB, crime and disorder.

1 Apr 2024Drug dealing and County Lines Drug dealing and county lines remain a priority for us.
We have continued with our safe and well checks and focusing on street dealing, disrupting the wider supply chain and repeat key offenders. To achieve this, we rely on local community intelligence that is reported to us. This can be done via our website or to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.  We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We work with the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team (NET) to address matters that concerns that community. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.
Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have continued with our safe and well checks on vulnerable residents who are at risk of exploitation. We have conducted patrols in our hot spot areas where the local community have told us the drug activity is taking place.
We have served two intention to close letters on owners of properties where drug activity and ASB is taking place.

1 Apr 2024


NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priority for the communities. We know that ASB adversely affects people who live within our communities. We have been tackling this ongoing problem in a number of ways:

  • Working collaboratively with our partner agencies supporting multi-agency plans to divert youth ASB/criminality and identify environmental factors associated with ASB

  • Targeted patrols of hot spot locations to tackle ASB

  • Effective use of civil legislation under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

We have recently obtained a 3 month partial closure order on a property in Frances Road. This was because the property was associated with repeated ASB, crime and disorder.

Response (1 Oct 2024)

We have continued with our patrols in our ASB hot spot areas. We have submitted an ASBI application  to the BCP ASB team for an individual who is causing repeat ASB in the local area.
We have issued a number of community protection warnings individuals causing issues in Boscombe.
We are still running our regular days of action where we work with our partner agencies including, ASB team, trading standards and parking enforcement to target areas in order to reduce ASB.

1 Oct 2024


In the most recent NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that Shoplifting is within the top three priorities for the communities. We will continue to work with businesses to try and reduce thefts and look to target prolific offenders and utilising civil orders to help problem solve.

1 Oct 2024

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priorities for the communities. We know that ASB can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life for those who live within our communities. We will work with our partner agencies to help problem solve.
This approached involves:

  • Identification of a specific problem

  • Thorough analysis to understand the problem

  • Development of a tailored response

  • Assessment of the effects of the response

  • The approach assumes that identifying and understanding the root causes of a problem – or conditions that allow it to continue – leads to an effective solution.

1 Oct 2024

Drug Dealing and County Lines

In our latest NPT Priority Survey results Drug Dealing was the top priority for the communities. We know that drug dealing/misuse adversely affects people who live within our communities. Tackling county lines, and the supply gangs responsible for high levels of violence, exploitation and abuse of vulnerable adults and children  remain a priority for us. We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.

1 Oct 2024


In the most recent NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that Shoplifting is within the top three priorities for the communities. We will continue to work with businesses to try and reduce thefts and look to target prolific offenders and utilising civil orders to help problem solve.

1 Oct 2024

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priorities for the communities. We know that ASB can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life for those who live within our communities. We will work with our partner agencies to help problem solve.
This approached involves:

  • Identification of a specific problem

  • Thorough analysis to understand the problem

  • Development of a tailored response

  • Assessment of the effects of the response

  • The approach assumes that identifying and understanding the root causes of a problem – or conditions that allow it to continue – leads to an effective solution.

1 Oct 2024

Drug Dealing and County Lines

In our latest NPT Priority Survey results Drug Dealing was the top priority for the communities. We know that drug dealing/misuse adversely affects people who live within our communities. Tackling county lines, and the supply gangs responsible for high levels of violence, exploitation and abuse of vulnerable adults and children  remain a priority for us. We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.

1 Oct 2024


In the most recent NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that Shoplifting is within the top three priorities for the communities. We will continue to work with businesses to try and reduce thefts and look to target prolific offenders and utilising civil orders to help problem solve.

1 Oct 2024

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priorities for the communities. We know that ASB can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life for those who live within our communities. We will work with our partner agencies to help problem solve.
This approached involves:

  • Identification of a specific problem

  • Thorough analysis to understand the problem

  • Development of a tailored response

  • Assessment of the effects of the response

  • The approach assumes that identifying and understanding the root causes of a problem – or conditions that allow it to continue – leads to an effective solution.

1 Oct 2024

Drug Dealing and County Lines

In our latest NPT Priority Survey results Drug Dealing was the top priority for the communities. We know that drug dealing/misuse adversely affects people who live within our communities. Tackling county lines, and the supply gangs responsible for high levels of violence, exploitation and abuse of vulnerable adults and children  remain a priority for us. We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.

1 Oct 2024


In the most recent NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that Shoplifting is within the top three priorities for the communities. We will continue to work with businesses to try and reduce thefts and look to target prolific offenders and utilising civil orders to help problem solve.

Response (1 Mar 2025)

In the lead up to Christmas we conducted several days of action targeting prolific shoplifters and working with businesses to try to reduce the impact shoplifters have. These operations were using plain clothes and high viz officers. We located and arrested 2 prolific shoplifters who were wanted on recall to prison.

1 Oct 2024

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priorities for the communities. We know that ASB can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life for those who live within our communities. We will work with our partner agencies to help problem solve.
This approached involves:

  • Identification of a specific problem

  • Thorough analysis to understand the problem

  • Development of a tailored response

  • Assessment of the effects of the response

  • The approach assumes that identifying and understanding the root causes of a problem – or conditions that allow it to continue – leads to an effective solution.

Response (1 Mar 2025)

We have run 3 days of action in the area targeting offenders of ASB. We have issued a number of community protection warning notices (CPWS) and S.35 dispersal notices.
We have also issued an intention to closure letter to the occupant of a property following concerns around drug and ASB activity.

1 Oct 2024

Drug Dealing and County Lines

In our latest NPT Priority Survey results Drug Dealing was the top priority for the communities. We know that drug dealing/misuse adversely affects people who live within our communities. Tackling county lines, and the supply gangs responsible for high levels of violence, exploitation and abuse of vulnerable adults and children  remain a priority for us. We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.

Response (1 Mar 2025)

On the 7th December 2024, NPT officers  were on mobile patrol in an unmarked police vehicle when they had cause to stop a Vauxhall Mokka on Southcote Road Bournemouth. The driver and sole occupant of the vehicle
was detained for a search under S.23 MDA where a quantity of wraps suspected to be Class A drugs were recovered. The driver was later charged and remanded to court for possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs. He was  also charged with shoplifting and handling stolen goods. The vehicle was seized and handed back to the hire company.
On the 13th December 2024 NPT officers were on patrol in Portchester Place following complaints around drug dealing. Whilst on patrol they observed what they believed to be a drug deal in the communal doorway of a property. The male was arrested after being detained for a drug search. He is currently released under investigation whilst enquiries continue.
On the 13th November 2024 a Section 8 PACE Warrant was executed at an address in Springbourne. £1665 cash seized along with approximately 550g of uncut cocaine. One male charged and remanded for Possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs.

1 Oct 2024


In the most recent NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that Shoplifting is within the top three priorities for the communities. We will continue to work with businesses to try and reduce thefts and look to target prolific offenders and utilising civil orders to help problem solve.

Response (1 Mar 2025)

In the lead up to Christmas we conducted several days of action targeting prolific shoplifters and working with businesses to try to reduce the impact shoplifters have. These operations were using plain clothes and high viz officers. We located and arrested 2 prolific shoplifters who were wanted on recall to prison.

1 Oct 2024

Antisocial Behaviour (ASB)

NPT Priority Survey results continue to indicate that ASB is within the top three priorities for the communities. We know that ASB can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life for those who live within our communities. We will work with our partner agencies to help problem solve.
This approached involves:

  • Identification of a specific problem

  • Thorough analysis to understand the problem

  • Development of a tailored response

  • Assessment of the effects of the response

  • The approach assumes that identifying and understanding the root causes of a problem – or conditions that allow it to continue – leads to an effective solution.

Response (1 Mar 2025)

We have run 3 days of action in the area targeting offenders of ASB. We have issued a number of community protection warning notices (CPWS) and S.35 dispersal notices.
We have also issued an intention to closure letter to the occupant of a property following concerns around drug and ASB activity.

1 Oct 2024

Drug Dealing and County Lines

In our latest NPT Priority Survey results Drug Dealing was the top priority for the communities. We know that drug dealing/misuse adversely affects people who live within our communities. Tackling county lines, and the supply gangs responsible for high levels of violence, exploitation and abuse of vulnerable adults and children  remain a priority for us. We understand that there are links between drugs, crime, and anti-social behaviour (ASB). We work with partner agencies to bring collaborative approaches to problem solving.  The team contribute to the wider force approach to drugs dealing under Operation Viper. We will highlight areas of concern and look for wider force support where needed. We will utilise our powers under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to close premises which meet the given thresholds to bring respite to the community. This work also extends to collaboration with the BCP ASB Team to utilise civil orders to help problem solve.

Response (1 Mar 2025)

On the 7th December 2024, NPT officers  were on mobile patrol in an unmarked police vehicle when they had cause to stop a Vauxhall Mokka on Southcote Road Bournemouth. The driver and sole occupant of the vehicle
was detained for a search under S.23 MDA where a quantity of wraps suspected to be Class A drugs were recovered. The driver was later charged and remanded to court for possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs. He was  also charged with shoplifting and handling stolen goods. The vehicle was seized and handed back to the hire company.
On the 13th December 2024 NPT officers were on patrol in Portchester Place following complaints around drug dealing. Whilst on patrol they observed what they believed to be a drug deal in the communal doorway of a property. The male was arrested after being detained for a drug search. He is currently released under investigation whilst enquiries continue.
On the 13th November 2024 a Section 8 PACE Warrant was executed at an address in Springbourne. £1665 cash seized along with approximately 550g of uncut cocaine. One male charged and remanded for Possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs.

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