Derbyshire Constabulary - Dunston, Moor and St Helen's Neighbourhood

Derbyshire Constabulary Information

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Dunston, Moor and St Helen's Neighbourhood

This Safer Neighbourhood area includes Dunston, Moor and St Helen's. It is covered by the Chesterfield North Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team and belongs to the Chesterfield Local Policing Unit.

The St Helens and Whittington Moor ward is a residential area combined with industrial business parks, a variety of shops and the main campus of Chesterfield College. Sheffield Road and Newbold Road outline the extremes of the beats and link the Town centre to the surrounding area.

Police Force Map - Derbyshire Constabulary

Neighbourhood Map - Dunston, Moor and St Helen's

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Senior Officer Details

Derbyshire Constabulary has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)
Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)
Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)
Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)
Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)
Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)
Charlotte Spinks (PCSO)
Kara Simpson (Inspector)

I have previously worked as a PC at Staveley, a Sgt based on the Safer Neighbourhood and a Response Sgt at Clay Cross and Chesterfield.

After promotion to Inspector I carried out the role of Reactive Inspector and then latterly worked within the North Neighbourhood Safeguarding Team before becoming the Local Policing Unit Inspector based at Chesterfield.

My main aims and objectives for my team and I are to fight crime, tackle anti-social behaviour, work towards reducing acquisitive crime such as car crime, burglary and shop thefts.

Partnership working with local authorities and support agencies is key. All of the work we do aims to protect the vulnerable and provide a quality of service to our communities and tackle those issues that impact on the residents of the area.

Matt Adcock (PCSO Supervisor)
Peter Jones (Sergeant)
Sarah Parker (PCSO)
Stuart Hind (PC)



Chesterfield Police Station, Beetwell Street, Chesterfield, Derbyshire,, S40 1QP


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2. ASB in the Lockoford Lane Tesco area.

31 Dec 2024

1. Drug Related ASB in the Dunston and Moor area.
2. ASB in the Lockoford Lane Tesco area.

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