Avon and Somerset Constabulary - Wells City Neighbourhood

Avon and Somerset Constabulary Information

Avon and Somerset Constabulary has not provided any force information at this time.

Wells City Neighbourhood

Neighbourhood Policing Team for Wells City.

Police Force Map - Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Neighbourhood Map - Wells City

Contact Details

Senior Officer Details

Avon and Somerset Constabulary has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)
Dan Williams (Constable)
Darren Pearson (Constable)
Donna President (PCSO)
Kayleigh Hallett (PCSO)
Leanne Chinnock (PCSO)
Matthew Reed (Inspector)
Samuel White (PCSO)
Simon Lancey (Sergeant)


3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

3 Apr 2023

Local businesses and residents have spoken to Neighbourhood officers about their concerns over perceived increase in occurrences of Anti-Social behaviour (ASB), including drunkenness homelessness and gathering of youths in the Cathedral Green, Market Place, and High Street area of Wells, and in the vicinity of our several supermarkets.  Our response to this is to increase our patrols in these areas and to proactively engage with residents, businesses, and tourists in our city.

Safer, stronger communities are enhanced by positive relations with neighbourhood police.  We will continue to patrol these location and deal positively while supporting individuals in need with any of these incidents.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

Wells NPT have created a management occurrence in which issues related to ASB / Homelessness drunken behaviour / begging are all linked together.
This allows the local team to identify any patterns of behaviour and rising issues that need tackling.
Wells NPT have continued to provide a high visibility presence, engaging with various services including housing and mental house providers to identify any safeguarding needs.

6 Oct 2021

Speeding continues to be a priority for Wells NPT. Local officers are regularly conducting high visibility speeding checks throughout Wells City and Rural with the aim to deter such behaviour and educate drivers.

Wells NPT officers are now posting small slips to say you might of missed through households in locations speeding checks are being conducted to reassure residents that local officers are out tackling this issue.

Local speed watch groups are now also able to operate and will be conducting regular speeding checks in their local areas. Avon and Somerset Police are then informed where local officers will make contact with the offender for educational purposes.

If you have any speeding concerns, in an emergency please call 999 or 101 for anything else.

To find out how you can get involved, Please contact your local NPT to learn more about Speed watch in your area.

Response (7 Jun 2023)

This Week PCSO’s have been visiting various addresses of people who have been recorded to have been speeding by local community speed watch groups.
On this occasion, Words of advice have been given regarding further action including points and a fine if they are caught speeding again.

7 Jun 2023

Begging is an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1874.

Although in repeal, the offence s still on the statute books which means action can still be taken.


Wells NPT are keen to safeguard all individuals who appear to be begging by signposting to various resources in the area that provide support including places such as the Connect Centre. The individual is also informed that begging is an arrest able offence.


If  the same individual is seen to be begging for a second time, after further safeguarding, they are provided a warning letter (available in various languages) which explains that they are committing an offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and if they are seen to be begging again they may be arrested.


On the third time, depending on officer availability the beggar may be arrested.


Reports are completed after each time a person is seen to be begging to allow a consistent approach by the team.

If you see a beggar, please do not give them money but instead signpost them to the connect centre wells for food and support services as well as calling 101 where we can identify any further safeguarding needs.

7 Jun 2023

It has come to Wells NPT attention that tensions are rising within the community and local shops after reports of thefts where in some cases after being challenged has resulted in staff injury.

Wells NPT would like to advise all shop workers to only challenge a suspected shoplifter if it is safe to do so. Your safety is the priority and your health is worth more than stolen goods.

Wells NPT have been distributing NPT contact list and have been increasing their patrols both in and outside the shops.

If an incident is happening call 999 straight away due to the current risks.

Please reach out to us via 101 or [email protected] if you would like further advice and guidance on this issue.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.