Avon and Somerset Constabulary - Frome Rural North Neighbourhood

Avon and Somerset Constabulary Information

Avon and Somerset Constabulary has not provided any force information at this time.

Frome Rural North Neighbourhood

Neighbourhood Policing Team for Frome Rural North.

Police Force Map - Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Neighbourhood Map - Frome Rural North

Contact Details

Senior Officer Details

Avon and Somerset Constabulary has not provided any information at this time.

Neighbourhood Officer Details

Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)
Amanda Ware (PCSO)
Daniel Jeffries (Sergeant)
John Ross-Osborne (Constable)
Robert Nell (PCSO)
Stephen Reading (Supervisor)


18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

18 Apr 2023

The Rural Beat Team are working with the communities to offer crime prevention advice and also to conduct targeted patrols to give local residence some reassurance.

We would strongly encourage everybody to secure and mark their property where possible, for our farming community we recommend fitting trackers to high value machinery as standard practice.

A free Trailer marking day with Rural crime team and Frome rural neighbourhood team are being planned for the summer date to be confirmed

Caravan Security

  • lock the coupling head using a good quality hitch lock and use a good quality clamp on the wheels
  • consider fitting a reputable tracking device
  • make sure your caravan is security marked with the 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the vehicle chassis and etched it into the windows
  • fit an alarm
  • close and lock doors, windows and any roof lights when you leave, even if only for a short time
  • always lock your caravan and take the keys with you
  • remove all your personal belongings when you are not using your caravan
  • security mark all your contents
  • keep a photographic inventory of all your equipment, this should be kept at your home address
Catalytic Converters

Catalytic converters contain several valuable metals. This is why thieves steal Catalytic Converters

  • park your vehicle in a locked and secure garage/compound at all times or a well-lit public area
  • park in such a way as to make access to the catalytic converter difficult or parallel with another vehicle if you own one
  • security mark your catalytic converter

Response (13 Jun 2023)

I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

18 Apr 2023

Lately we have had several reports of poaching on Frome rural area. If you see anything suspicious report it.

We are interested in all reports of wildlife and rural crime and suspicious incidents. Reports

received from the public will help inform the patrols we conduct during this poaching season.


Response (12 Jun 2023)

We are always available to visit your farm or rural property to discuss farm watch, crime
prevention and any other community issues.
You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).
Alternatively report the suspicious incident to Farm, Horse watch representative.

12 Jun 2023

Just a reminder as it is lambing season and dog owners walking their dogs on farmland which have right of way and other popular walking routes in and around Frome.

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to collect their dog mess as it could contain parasites that is harmful to grazing animals.


Any livestock worrying please report it to the police  via 999,online or 101.

12 May 2023

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates  and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.

Response (12 May 2023)

We continue to incorporate  patrols during each shift to tackle fly tipping in the lanes around Frome. We also ensure dedicated, targeted patrols during our late shifts. Any sites discovered are reported to the council for removal.
We encourage all suspicious activity to be reported to the Police on 101 and any discovered fly tips reported to the Council.

18 Apr 2023

Your local Neighbourhood officers PC John ROSS-OSBORNE, PCSO Kim MAFFY and PCSO Robert  NELL are regularly conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speedwatch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community. All the information gathered is then analysed by the Neighbourhood Team and when repeat offenders are identified, a home visit is conducted to offer educational advice.

If you are interested in organising a Community Speedwatch in your community or to get involved in an existing group, please visit the Avon and Somerset website or contact the Neighbourhood Team to learn more.

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