Motion Details
That this House notes that Part M, as amended, of the Building Regulations 1985, applies only to new buildings and is open to misinterpretation by owners and architects of such buildings; believes action should be taken by the Government to ensure all public buildings and facilities are fully accessible to disabled people; further believes effective powers should be given to an independent arbitration authority, that these powers should include the right to inspect buildings for access for disabled people, to stipulate the improvements to be undertaken and to impose stiff fines if the necessary work is not carried out, without good reason, and within the stated time; and that such an authority, in direct consultation with disabled groups, should develop a long term strategy, and legal framework, for the full accessibility of such buildings; recognises that central government funding will be necessary for the operation of such an authority; further notes, with regret, the contrast between legislation and access for disabled people in this country with that in America where the Disabilities Act outlaws discrimination as regards transport, employment and access to buildings; and calls upon the Government to take positive action on this issue within the current parliamentary session.
Sponsored by:
Glenda Jackson (Labour)
EDMS Sponsor By Party
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