Motion Details
That this House notes the vital role that honey bees play in the pollinating of plants for food and other crops; recognises that honey bees make the substantial contribution of £165 million annually to the agricultural economy, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA); acknowledges the potential impact a decline in honey bee populations would have on our environment and our diet; understands that the emergence of colony collapse disorder poses a significant threat to Britain's honey bee populations; further understands that a decline in the number of honey bees would not only threaten food crops but also every type of flora; further notes the concerns of many beekeepers that the Varroa Mite is becoming increasingly resistant to attempts to control it; congratulates the British Beekeepers' Association for the work it does and for the research programme it has recommended to DEFRA; and calls on the Government urgently to review the current arrangements for research into bee health.
Sponsored by:
Mr Malcolm Moss (Conservative)
EDMS Sponsor By Party
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