Motion Details
That this House notes the commitment made to a low carbon future by the Government and the provisions contained in the Climate Change Bill to reduce carbon emissions by 60 per cent. by 2050; observes that much of these emissions are from vehicles, and that 80 per cent. of all urban journeys in vehicles are less than two miles; recognises that in several other European countries and US states, Segway PTs, a low carbon emission personal transporter, powered by electricity, have proved a beneficial addition to the transport mix, reducing the number of short journeys made in cars, and providing a number of uses, including for police and emergency services; further notes that more than 400 police departments make use of this technology worldwide; further notes their potential use as personal transportation for elderly or less able-bodied people; supports the request from the Police Federation for a trial of Segway PTs; and calls on the Government to make provision for a pilot scheme on public land to demonstrate the most appropriate way to integrate the Segway PT into UK transport infrastructure.
Sponsored by:
Paul Rowen (Liberal Democrat)
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