Parliamentary 2024 Constituency Map for Melksham and Devizes


Local map for Staplegrove Road, TA1 1DR. This postcode is within the Melksham and Devizes parliamentary constituency for the 2024 General Election onwards and the full constituency map is shown below.

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Data are provided by the Office for National Statistics.

Final Boundaries

This postcode is in a new constituency of Taunton and Wellington as part of this review process.

Over the past few years the Boundary Commissions for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have been reviewing the make up of the Parliamentary constituencies to ensure that they reflect rising and falling populations and the boundaries of the wards that comprise them.

The Privy Council has now considered the new boundaries and on 15 November 2023 approved their use and they will take effect from the next General Election which is due between now and 17 December 2024.

The current boundaries were designed based on electorates in 2000 and have been used since 2010. The new boundaries are within 5% of the electoral quota of 73,393 electors - except for five protected seats (Isle of Wight (2 seats), Na h-Eileanan an lar, Orkney and Shetland and Ynys Môn).