Suffolk Constabulary - Hadleigh Neighbourhood
Recorded Street Crimes
Neighbourhood Ranking
How does your neighbourhood compare with the 272 others in your police force area?
1 | Bury St Edmunds Town North | 68 | |
2 | Alexandra | 68 | |
3 | Westgate and St. Margaret’s | 55 | |
4 | Stoke Park and Sprites | 52 | |
5 | Harbour | 50 | |
6 | Martlesham and Orwell | 43 | |
7 | Felixstowe | 43 | |
8 | Bury St Edmunds Town South | 42 | |
9 | Newmarket | 41 | |
10 | Gipping | 38 | |
11 | Mid-Suffolk North and East | 38 | |
12 | Rushmere and St. Johns | 38 | |
13 | Mildenhall | 37 | |
14 | Claydon, Copdock and Peninsula | 36 | |
15 | Kesgrave and Bixley | 35 | |
16 | Gainsborough and Holywells | 35 | |
17 | Mid-Suffolk South and West | 34 | |
18 | Whitton and Castle Hill | 34 | |
19 | Haverhill Town - South and East | 34 | |
20 | Hadleigh and Nayland | 33 | |
21 | Stowmarket | 32 | |
22 | Pakefield and Whitton | 31 | |
23 | Whitehouse | 31 | |
24 | Leiston, Saxmundham and Aldeburgh | 30 | |
25 | Bridge | 29 | |
26 | Beccles and Worlingham | 29 | |
27 | Kirkley | 28 | |
28 | Halesworth and Southwold | 27 | |
29 | Sudbury Rural North | 25 | |
30 | Woodbridge and Wickham Market | 25 | |
31 | Deben and Orford | 25 | |
32 | Haverhill Town - North and West | 25 | |
33 | Normanston | 24 | |
34 | Carlton Colville and Kessingland | 23 | |
35 | Priory Heath | 22 | |
36 | Sudbury Town - North and East | 22 | |
37 | Sudbury Town - South | 21 | |
38 | Great Cornard | 21 | |
39 | St Margaret's | 21 | |
40 | Bury St Edmunds Rural North | 19 | |
41 | Lakenheath and the Rows | 19 | |
42 | Haverhill Rural and Suffolk South West | 18 | |
43 | Brandon | 17 | |
44 | Manor and Red Lodge | 17 | |
45 | Debenham and Eye | 16 | |
46 | Gunton, Oulton and Lothingland | 14 | |
47 | Bungay and Wainford | 14 | |
48 | Framlingham and Yoxford | 14 | |
49 | Waldingfield, Boxford and Bures | 10 | |
50 | Bury St Edmunds Rural South | 6 |
Click on other neighbourhoods for comparisons
Neighbourhood Rating for Dec 2024
Your neighbourhood crime incidents are converted to a monthly rating to enable easy comparison.
Neighbourhood Map - Hadleigh
Neighbourhood Ranking History
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Neighbourhoods are compared only within the same Police Force.
Different forces have different budgets and priorities and even within the same force area caution should be excercised when comparing different neighbourhoods as again, different priorities and resources are deployed to different types of area such as inner city and rural.
Where neighbourhoods can be compared is against themselves, month by month to determine if crime is increasing or decreasing and if so, which types of crime are being reported.
Similar adjoining neighbourhoods can be compared if they are of a similar make-up.
Hadleigh Neighbourhood
Welcome to the Hadleigh Safer Neighbourhood page. This section contains useful information about your neighbourhood.
Neighbourhood Website: