Hampshire Constabulary - Bitterne North Neighbourhood
Recorded Street Crimes
Neighbourhood Ranking
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Neighbourhood Rating for Sep 2024
Your neighbourhood crime incidents are converted to a monthly rating to enable easy comparison.
Neighbourhood Map - Bitterne North
Neighbourhood Ranking History
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
Neighbourhoods are compared only within the same Police Force.
Different forces have different budgets and priorities and even within the same force area caution should be excercised when comparing different neighbourhoods as again, different priorities and resources are deployed to different types of area such as inner city and rural.
Where neighbourhoods can be compared is against themselves, month by month to determine if crime is increasing or decreasing and if so, which types of crime are being reported.
Similar adjoining neighbourhoods can be compared if they are of a similar make-up.
Hampshire Constabulary is one of the biggest forces in the country, whose purpose is to deliver SAFER communities. We police over 1,500 square miles; are home to a significant transport network including the M27 and M3, key rail hubs and two international airports; and critical national infrastructure.
Force Website: North Neighbourhood
The Bitterne North neighbourhood comprises the areas of Harefield, Bitterne Park and Townhill. It covers mainly residential areas and includes several long established housing estates. The area is served by 2 secondary schools, Bitterne Park School and Sixth Form, which is the largest in Southampton and Woodlands Community College. There are also 2 independent schools which offer secondary level provision, The Gregg School and St Marys College.
Local policing is provided by a dedicated team of 1 sergeant, 9 constables and 3 PCSO’s. We are also supported by a small team of special constables.
Our team is focussed on protecting the most vulnerable in society, and working to reduce crime and anti social behaviour
This site will give you a brief overview of our current priorities, and when the next public meetings are, as well as what we are doing to tackle offending in your area. If you wish to contact us, please feel free to call on 101.
Neighbourhood Website: