Latest information, statistics, maps and analysis for your postcode and local area


Aerial view of a UK Street

With over 4.9 billion data points, StreetGuide offers real-time roadwork updates, up to date local petrol and diesel prices, current police and crime information, road safety statistics, local school details, sold house prices, historical weather data, traffic statistics, population, parliamentary details, and election results for your street. And we are continually expanding our services!

Subscribe to our complimentary Postcode Watch service if you wish to receive email notifications about updates to any postcode of interest.

For more information on our data sources, please visit our information pages.

Thank you for your visit today.

The StreetGuide Team

Recent Updates

7 Oct 2024 Police and Crime data updated for August 2024
4 Oct 2024 Energy Performance Certificates (England and Wales) updated August 2024
3 Oct 2024 Sold House Price data updated for August 2024
16 Sep 2024 Schools Data Updated for September 2024
2 Sep 2024 Police and Crime data updated for July 2024
2 Sep 2024 Energy Performance Certificates (England and Wales) updated July 2024
31 Aug 2024 Sold House Price data updated for July 2024
16 Aug 2024 Schools Data Updated for August 2024

Local Area Summary

Aerial street view
Details of your local area

Find local maps for your area covering nearby roads, council wards and districts, parliament constituencies, clean air zones and ULEZ zones together with devolved administrative maps.

Additionally, find local images and videos showcasing the area as it is now and as it was in the past.

Cheapest Petrol/Diesel Prices New

petrol Pump and Petrol Station Image
Find the cheapest petrol and diesel near you

We can now offer details of the prices being charged by your local petrol stations.

The service is currently an interim solution and so there may be errors and omissions with the data and so please use the information provided with caution at this time.

Food Hygiene Ratings

Image of a commercial kitchen
Local take-outs, restaurants and other food businesses

Check out the most recent food hygiene ratings for your local take-away or restaurant.

Ratings are decided during inspections by your council's environmental health officers and range from zero (urgent improvement necessary) up to a to rating of five which means very good.

Historical Weather

Weather Image
Localised historical weather information

Our repository of archived weather grows every day giving you hyper-local details of weather conditions in your area.

Our metrics cover recorded and perceived temperature, wind, rain and snow measurements together with visbility, humidity, pressure and the UV index.


Image of a police station light beacon
Your local Police Force details

Information provided by your local police force about your neighbourhood, senior and locally assigned officers and where available, up to date police priorities.

In an emergency, dial 999 and for non-emergency and all other enquiries dial 101.


Image of police crime tape - do not cross
Crime statistics for your area

Our crime statistics show incidents recorded by the police in your neighbourhood and are update each and every month together with stop and search actions.

In an emergency, dial 999 and for non-emergency and all other enquiries dial 101.

UK Parliament

Image of Houses of Parliament
Your elected Member of Parliament

Our feed directly from Parliament ensures our pages are kept up to date giving you the latest activity from your elected representative at Westinster.

Also discover the history of your constituency.

Roadworks, Road Safety and Traffic

Image of a roadworks sign
Roadworks, Road Safety and Traffic Levels in your area

Our live roadworks information provides you with crucial information regarding the disruption to roads and streets in your area.

Furthermore, discover how safe your neighbourhood is and ascertain just how busy your local roads are.

Sold House Prices

Image of houses with Sold signs
Sold house prices in your area

House prices are always a hot topic in the UK and our pages show you all house sales in England and Wales since 1995.

We update each and every month once the latest data is made available by the HM Land Registry.

Energy Efficiency

Image of a company office
Property Energy Efficiency Ratings

Energy Performance Certificates can tell a story about a property and we have them all logged for domestic properties since 2008.

As well as the current rating, see what the energy efficiency potential a property could yield.

Company Details

Image of a company office
Local Company Info

Our feed of registered company details from Companies House gives you visibility of which companies are registered within your area.

Additionally, we highlight with when they were formed and the activities they carry out during the course of their business.


Image of a classroom
Local School Details and Ratings

The importance of a good school cannot be underestimated and our data from the Department for Education provides you with the information about schools and colleges in your area, their facilities and importantly, their Ofsted ratings.

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