The Priory and allotments, Kings Langley
The surviving building of the former Dominican priory established in 1308 by Edward II, next to the Royal Palace of Kings Langley. Although much restored this is the only surviving building from the medieval palace complex. It is now part of Rudolph Steiner School, Kings Langley and is used for staff accommodation. The foreground allotments are also part of the school.
Image: © Graham Hale
Taken: 21 Nov 2009
0.06 miles
Love Lane is closed, Kings Langley
This was nothing compared with the two mile diversion ahead in Watford.
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 18 Aug 2016
0.07 miles
Kings Langley: Rudolf Steiner School
Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925) was an Austrian philosopher, social thinker and educator, and the founder of the spiritual philosophy of anthroposophy, in which he postulated the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world accessible to direct experience through inner development, more specifically through conscientiously cultivating a form of thinking independent of sensory experience. There are now over 900 schools worldwide, known as a Steiner or Waldorf schools, that are designed to provide an education following these principles. This one is in Kings Langley at the top of Langley Hill, near
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 31 May 2009
0.08 miles
Vicarage Lane, Kings Langley
This image was taken in late September. The leaves on the trees are starting to turn golden.
Image: © Malc McDonald
Taken: 26 Sep 2015
0.08 miles
Kings Langley: Old Palace
Not the Royal Palace, the site of which is here
Image, but a pub in the hamlet of Kings Langleyhill, as it is described on old Ordnance Survey maps. The pub is 17th century so post-dates the demise of the Royal Palace by at least 100 years.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 31 May 2009
0.09 miles
"Old Palace" public house and restaurant, King's Langley
Image: © Jim Osley
Taken: 10 Mar 2018
0.09 miles
Rudolf Steiner School Kings Langley
View of the school from the basket ball court. The original Victorian house which formed the nucleus for the school is in the centre. The theatre and other large rooms are to the left. The classroom block is to the right. The school occupies the site of the Plantagenet Royal Palace of Langley.
Image: © Graham Hale
Taken: 21 Nov 2009
0.10 miles
Kings Langley: Site of the former Royal Palace
The former Royal Palace at Kings Langley was built under the supervision of Eleanor of Castile (1241 - 1290), wife of King Edward I. It appears to have been started around 1276 and to have been completed by 1299. This is how the village of Langley got its epithet Kings. Edmund de Langley, the first Duke of York and fifth son of King Edward III, was born here in 1341. Around 1349, during the outbreak of plague, known as the Black Death, King Edward III used the Royal Palace as his seat of government away from London. The Palace seems to have fallen into disuse during the Wars of the Roses, and was demolished around 1469. Apart from occasional underground finds during construction works for the nearby
Image nothing remains of the former structure.
The Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 scale map shows the centre of the site to be in the rear gardens of the houses in the photograph, probably the second house from the right being where the actual symbol is. This photograph was taken from the footpath leading south.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 31 May 2009
0.12 miles
Kings Langley Common
Viewed looking north eastwards from Love Lane, the red netting surrounds the cricket pitch.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 23 Oct 2005
0.13 miles
Chipperfield Road, Kings Langley
Chipperfield Road in Kings Langley, in western Hertfordshire.
Image: © Malc McDonald
Taken: 26 Sep 2015
0.19 miles